posted on 27/2/06 at 12:11 PM |
wheels & wings Rear & Front
What is this require ment. How much of the wheel / tyre can show looking down. If I can see the side wall and a bit of the rim am I ok or should
the edge of the vehicle be the wing.
Scot's do it better in Kilts.
MK INDY's Don't Self Centre Regardless of MK Setting !
posted on 27/2/06 at 12:17 PM |
The front wing should extend forwards of the front edge of the rim and rearwards of the rear edge of the tyre. The wing must extend out past the tyre
/ rim but I don't know if this is the top or bottom of the wheel, alowing for camber.
posted on 27/2/06 at 12:34 PM |
I thought it was just the tyres that had to be covered, but I failed SVA on this (among other things). My tyres are fully covered by the wheelarch,
but the rims are dished outwards, and as such came outside the 'body plan form'. Only by about 8mm, but the inspector said I'd need
to fix it. In fact he said something along the lines of...".. just fit some steel wheels and as long as they come inside the body plan form
that'd be OK. What you do afterwards is up to you ..." I guess when I go I'll have to have the same speed rated tyres, but steel
wheels it is (for all of 2 hours)
I'll probably need to change them each time I MOT it, but no big deal there.
[Edited on 27-2-2006 by Donners90]
posted on 27/2/06 at 12:37 PM |
The photo angle isn't quite right, but you get the idea.
![](/galpreviews/a331426-wheel.JPG) ![Rescued attachment wheel.JPG](/gallery/a331426-wheel.JPG) Rescued attachment wheel.JPG
posted on 27/2/06 at 12:54 PM |
The wings have to come past the front edge of the rim (not tyre) when looking at a plan view and must extend over the rim sideways but not necessarily
the tyre/bulge in tyre....and as people say must cover the rear most part of the tyre again looking at a plan view....HTH and hope I didn't get
anything wildly wrong! Oli.
If your not living life on the edge you're taking up too much room!
posted on 27/2/06 at 02:23 PM |
doesn't the arch need to just cover the tyre tread not thewhole tyre width? (guess I need to look at SVA book )
posted on 7/3/06 at 06:27 PM |
Looks like steels then
Scot's do it better in Kilts.
MK INDY's Don't Self Centre Regardless of MK Setting !