posted on 15/8/15 at 10:06 AM |
Square Number Plate
I'm thinking of putting some vents (holes basically) in the rear clam of my Sylva J15 for 1) Exhaust exit and 2) beter airflow but it would
necessitate using a square rear number plate.
In the IVA manaul it talks about a spacefor a rear number plate and has some sizes but none of these seem to be the dimensions of a square plate.
Can kit cars have a square rear number plate?
posted on 15/8/15 at 10:35 AM |
The legal "square" plate (for any car) is 340x240mm as listed in the IVA manual... In other words it's not actually square, just
squarer than a nornal plate.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 15/8/15 at 11:16 AM |
Thats probably bigger than my rear panel.
I guess some people use bike number plates. As theres no plate on for IVA I guess theres nothing to fail on, as long as theres room for a
'legal' plate.
[Edited on 15/8/15 by ChrisJ15]
posted on 15/8/15 at 11:40 AM |
My rear plate is a "4x4" plate and after a wee trim to get rid of a bit of back ground ended up at
250 x 210 with normal size letters.
My front is an "import" plate and after another wee trim ended up at 220 x 160 (see avatar)
The printer was coupled to the DVLA while the letter layout was done so I assume they are totally legal. (ish)
Paul G
Edit to add pic
[Edited on 15/8/15 by 907]
posted on 15/8/15 at 12:10 PM |
Looking at the letter size and spacing rules, a quick mental calc gets smallest the plate can actually be down to 255x200. If your reg has 1's
or I's in the first 4 didgits that'd reduce it a bit more. You'd still have to have a BS marked plate as well to be fully legal.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 15/8/15 at 02:57 PM |
Cheers chaps.
Those kind of sizes I can live with.