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harness mounts?
blakep82 - 25/9/08 at 06:28 PM

just having a think about SVA and mounting a harness in the car, i know there's rules on the height of the upper mounts, but where should the lower ones be mounted? are there any rules on location?

i have, already welded to the chassis, two eye bolts behind the driver seat. i didn't weld them there, its a ex race chassis. so the top ones are fine, directly below them on the floor there are two tabs welded to a tube which i assume are harness mounts, but they see, very far back for the lower belts.

now, regarding the two eye bolts in the top tube, they don't go all the way through the tube and weld on both sides, just on the top, and looking at SVA manual it only says 'threaded bushes should be welded at both ends through the tube, and not end mounted on the surface. but mine aren't threaded bushes. they're just eye bolts welded to the tube.

richard - 25/9/08 at 07:14 PM

any pictures

blakep82 - 25/9/08 at 07:19 PM

seat belt eye
seat belt eye

thats what i'm sure is the top mount. the paint's certainly scratched in the right place

i'll try and get a photo of the tabs near floor later

[Edited on 25/9/08 by blakep82]

blakep82 - 25/9/08 at 10:38 PM


here's where i assume they bolt/clip down

not sure what these might be for

this must be for the crutch strap on the harness

blakep82 - 26/9/08 at 07:19 AM

ah, maybe these two are for the crotch straps? The willans installation guide thing on their website says the should be mounted rear of the driver, and 10"-12" apart
