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Help wanted - seatbelt mount
JeffHs - 17/5/08 at 08:24 AM

I need to lift my upper belt mountings by about 40 mm to meet SVA. I want to stick with lap and diagonal and I don't want a roll bar.
Does anyone have an elegant solution that Mr SVA likes?

big_wasa - 17/5/08 at 08:33 AM

what about an sva only roll bar ?

matty_64 - 17/5/08 at 02:25 PM

on my pilgrim i have made a riser and hoping this is going to be sva ok Rescued attachment seatbelt riser.JPG
Rescued attachment seatbelt riser.JPG

britishtrident - 17/5/08 at 04:00 PM

Westfield mount the shoulder straps in the centre between the seat backs and weld an extra tube running across along the top of the bulkhead.

I have a drawing somewhere which I will scan & post