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steering col. mount
macbrew - 10/8/03 at 05:39 PM

Before I fully weld, any comments regarding SVA.

Cheers. Rescued attachment P8100017.jpg
Rescued attachment P8100017.jpg

Mark Allanson - 10/8/03 at 08:54 PM

Either you or I have the steering column upside down, I have the pinch bolt underneath the column.

Make sure the angle fron the column to the lower column is at least 10 degrees for the SVA, mine is exactly 10 degrees which is probably a bit touch and go fot the test, I hope I can talk my way through it! Rescued attachment Sierra Column2.jpg
Rescued attachment Sierra Column2.jpg

JoelP - 10/8/03 at 09:57 PM

looks good and strong... does it need that many supports? i may have to redesign mine! was only planning on 2 3mm strips...

Peteff - 11/8/03 at 09:02 AM

. If you undo the pinch bolt you can spin the clamp to any position Mark. I set it so it gave me some forward adjustment and used slots like the picture for a bit of up or down adjustment. If it doesn't move when he pulls on it the tester probably won't even look under the scuttle to see what a marvelous solution everyone has come up with. If you move it in the slots you may need to realign the column bearing, I did as it tried to ride up the column.

yours, Pete.

macbrew - 11/8/03 at 10:09 AM

I know it's probably a bit overboard but I just used tube that I had rather than doing the 3 letter word thing (BUY).

The extra bracing is just peace of mind stuff. I haven't tried it but I think I could sit on the steering wheel.

Thanks for the comments, I'll check the 10 degree thing.

David Jenkins - 11/8/03 at 11:25 AM

Sit in the driving seat and try to waggle the wheel in every direction.

(I did this... and decided that I needed extra bracing! )


macbrew - 11/8/03 at 08:10 PM

Done the waggle thing and it's more sturdy than my Passat so that'l do for me.

Next job - Pedals ... such fun !

Mark Allanson - 11/8/03 at 08:22 PM

Forth Bridge!!!!!

Its ony 13mm 1.6mm ERW round tube, very light but quite strong, the result is VERY stiff. Not even a hint of a movement.

I am the wrong side of forty and whilst sitting in the car going 'Brum Brum', I pull myself out of the car which ever way I can!, quite often hanging onto the wheel - needs to be quite strong!!

dutchsuperseven - 20/8/03 at 08:20 PM

Does the angle between the lower and upper collum have to be 10 degrees???!!!!
I'll have to get my angle-grinder out!

Simon - 21/8/03 at 09:55 AM


The 10 deg is part of the SVA recommendation.

The book is trying to protect the driver in the event of a front end dingdong.

They want to see either 10 - 15 deg of deflection in column from top and bottom connections/crushable section/sliding joints etc etc.

The upper limit at 15 deg is set because they (IIRC) reckon that steering joints will become less effective (or something along those lines - haven't got the manual with me at present), the lower number gives column less chance of bending.

If you're using the the Sierra column, you should have a sliding joint and crushable section, and I've no doubt a bend at the joint between upper and lower sections of column.

Saying all this, a friend of a friend had buckets seats and harnesses in a "normal" car and was involved in a (minor) front end accident, and didn't even touch the airbag!!

Hope this of some help.



dutchsuperseven - 21/8/03 at 02:21 PM

I checked the SVA-manual first thing this morning, but found nothing about the 10* rule! I dont mind cutting up a truly perfect chassis, but i've got better things to do!
I used a Fiësta '89-'95 upper collum with a crushable section but the angle between the lower and upper part wil never be 10*.
Greetingz Rob.

Markp - 21/8/03 at 05:52 PM

10 - 15 degrees? I've never heard of it or got checked on the SVA. As long as it is sturdy and visually safe I wouldn't have thought they would bother too much about it.

Cheers mark.

stephen_gusterson - 21/8/03 at 06:48 PM

This is a good example of why you OUGHT to have an SVA manual.......

[Edited on 21/8/03 by stephen_gusterson] Rescued attachment sva1.jpg
Rescued attachment sva1.jpg

stephen_gusterson - 21/8/03 at 06:50 PM

some bumph Rescued attachment sva2.jpg
Rescued attachment sva2.jpg

wicket - 21/8/03 at 07:25 PM

I agree with Steve's comments, the manual is money VERY well spent. Some sections may need reading several times to understand the requirements but its written in fairly straight forward English. In any case if you still have any doubts about it there's always Steve Jones on the SVA helpdesk in Swansea, from my experience he is very helpful, I have received faxed diagrams from him which are not in the my year 2000 manual.

craig1410 - 22/8/03 at 09:49 AM

I've been trying to get an SVA manual for two months now but Amazon keep bumping my estimated delivery date back...(bl**dy annoying btw!)

Can anyone suggest an alternate source and can you confirm the ISBN number is 011552567X
My latest delivery estimate from Amazon is Aug 26 to Sep 9 but they keep bumping it forward each time. Also, does this manual get revised each year and therefore should I wait for the next edition?

On the steering 10 degrees issue, you could read it that this only applies where a crushable column is NOT used and therefore the safety relies on the offset angle alone. If I ever get my manual I will read up a bit more as I am just about ready to build my steering system.


Simon - 22/8/03 at 10:53 AM


So the upper limit is 30 deg. T'was from memory when I last looked at that section - about 5 months ago - reasons still the same.

Agree with Steve - you ought to get an SVA manual.


Been away?

I've heard (from another posting elsewhere on here) that manual out of print for a couple of months!!

I got mine from the HMSO.



craig1410 - 23/8/03 at 11:37 PM

Hi Simon,
Been on holiday for a couple of weeks and have also been busy around the house and working on the car.

Yes it appears that the Vehicle Inspectorate are messing around with the manual at present and this is the cause of the delay. I called TSO (The Stationary Office Ltd) who sell the HMSO stuff and they can't get any copies for me. They told me that when the manual does come back into print it won't be sold by them either. They told me to contact the V.I. directly to place my order.
