Next sva type question!
I have used a 2.5" "Mikalor" stainless band type exhaust clamp to attach my silencer to the manifold.
On this the band itself complies with the sva requirements as it is low enough a profile to only need to be "blunted"...................
but, the clamp screw won't comply, how have people got round this one???
I have fitted it so the clamp screw is on the "inside" of the pipe, i.e. between the pipe and the side of the car, but I fear the 100mm
sphere may still contact it!
Any ideas?
I did exactly the same as you and passed ok
Exhaust wrap is your friend!
Mark, if only we had consistency across all SVA centres, then this car building thing would be a piece of wee!
Taken the day mine passed it's SVA.
Near Side
You can see my huge bandage!
Seems to have blown off since though!
Interestingly though, my SVA examiner made me take the edging strip off the bracket holding my can on "not suitable material for high
blunted edge if it does not protrude more than 2.5 (or it it 5 mm)?
I have the same clamp, allen head bolt to hold it together and to be sure, filed the edges of the band to remove the sharp edge.
I hten postioned the bolt on the inside, as had been suggested and point dopwnwards.
Bear in mind that they nasty sphere is not put up from below but there is some cne thing tht determines from what ppint the spehre can be used to try
to contact .... what I am trying to say but badly is have bolt on inside and [ointing downwards.
I just turned it around to the sharp bits were out of range.
I think I put a nut cover on for SVA. It didn't last long with the heat but what the hell.
Originally posted by James
I think I put a nut cover on for SVA. It didn't last long with the heat but what the hell.
then make a shield from aluminim sheet and use slit tubing to protect the edges, see below for inspiration. (passed SVA like that - to keep sphere
away frm exahust mount).
exhaust mount cover
[Edited on 15/3/07 by 02GF74]
Why take risk with the test.
Take a piece of perforated alu or metal, bend it round so that it covers you total exhaust and manifold. Bend the edges inward. With two strips of
metal and two clamps you can fix it to you exhaust. Took me 10 minutes to fix and passed like a dream. Very ugly looking solution but it passed
without any problem.
Was off the car 10 minutes after the test.
Nat, just passed SVA today (yippeee) and had no problems with the mikalor type exhaust clamps. As you have done I turned them so the bolt was between the pipe and bodywork and it was out of range of the sphere.
I used the tester's sphere at the SVA centre to move the clamp bolt 1mm away from the sphere ;^) - there's nothing like using the right
The R1 can band problem is thet the outer edge is raised away from the surface, but this is a work of seconds to pein down flush with a toffee hammer
& blunt with a file.
cheers folks.
If some have passed I'll leave it for now and see what happens.
The bolts and bracket hoding the can to the car are well out of range of the sphere, its just the clamp that might not be.
The exhaust fits that well that to be honest I could probably just leave the clamp off if the worst comes to the worst!
Originally posted by nick205
Nat, just passed SVA today (yippeee) and had no problems with the mikalor type exhaust clamps. As you have done I turned them so the bolt was between the pipe and bodywork and it was out of range of the sphere.