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will you adam an' eve it.
02GF74 - 2/9/06 at 08:39 PM

just had a look at weather fore cast for next weeK.

now one day is showing up as , any guesses on which day my SVA is on?

bu66ery bo77ocks looks like I'm gonna get wet.

r3nuf - 2/9/06 at 08:45 PM

Am guessing not on Wednesday like mine then?!

Good luck


amalyos - 2/9/06 at 09:11 PM

Mine's Friday, hoping for better weather. Good luck to you both.


coozer - 2/9/06 at 09:11 PM

Whats wrong with that? You one of them soft southern jessies?

Heres my lot from the site. You don't hear us hard northern f*@ckers complaining about 24 degrees do you?? Rescued attachment the weather.jpg
Rescued attachment the weather.jpg

02GF74 - 2/9/06 at 09:34 PM

yeah ut I have no roof nor 'screen

coozer - 2/9/06 at 10:27 PM

LOL ~ no roof, no screen, fairly standard stuff on a seven, down south or up north.

With me being in the 'midlands', Durham being half way between London and Inverness I feel comfortable with no screen or hood, even in the cold month of August!!

coozer - 2/9/06 at 10:36 PM

Just checked the BBC website for my postcode and me thinks the leccy blancket is coming out Thursday night. Brrrrrr.... Rescued attachment Image1.jpg
Rescued attachment Image1.jpg

RazMan - 2/9/06 at 11:00 PM

Take a brolly and a chinstrap ..... and don't go too fast - you will be fine!

wicket - 3/9/06 at 03:20 PM

This is one of the most reliable sites around, very accurate

Peteff - 3/9/06 at 03:52 PM

U.K. weather . none of them paint a very good picture though

Hellfire - 3/9/06 at 06:49 PM

I wouldn't worry about the forecasts too much. Most of em change on a daily basis anyway. Just check the day before and it'll probably be 50% right for the following day.

coozer - 3/9/06 at 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
U.K. weather . none of them paint a very good picture though


Not going to argue with a extra 8 degress form that site...

roadboy - 5/9/06 at 05:54 PM

I love the idea of us being in the midlands, nver thought of it that way, brilliant

With me being in the 'midlands', Durham being half way between London and Inverness I feel comfortable with no screen or hood, even in the cold month of August!!

[Edited on 5/9/06 by roadboy]

02GF74 - 5/9/06 at 06:37 PM

... well left the car parjed overnight with a mini tarp over the seats ... and totally dry, no rain at all today

just goes to show....