spen today clipping fuel and brake lines down the tunnel, look OK for SVA????
Nice neat job from what I can see
Looks neat, just hope you never have to remove them . Might be a bit akward drilling out all the rivets with everything in place? Whats the threaded rod for ?
the pipes are fixed to the brackets using dome head screws(does look like rivets in the picture though) so removing them shouldn't be a
proble,hopefully won;t need to though!!.
the threade rod is part of my gear linkage, will be changed for something else once i've proved it works
Looks neat and tidy mate. Only problem I can see is that in the distant future the alloy/steel mix (it looks like that but maybe it's not) could
corrode and fall of. Not something to be relished in the prop area
if I was Mr SVA I would not be happy about the long dangly brakets - I can only see they are fixed at the chassis and then hang down - vibrations may
affect the brake pipes.
If you push on the botton of the dangly bracket, does it move at all?
i thought that fuel lines had to go on one side of the tunnel and brake and wiring loom on the other side
Tell that to some of the major car manufacturers . Then again Ford Focus fuel pipe clips are a lot further apart than our cars have to have them
Originally posted by omega0684
i thought that fuel lines had to go on one side of the tunnel and brake and wiring loom on the other side