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SVA Pass
timwest167 - 15/6/06 at 11:47 AM

Woohoo! First time pass at Leighton Buzzard yesterday! Journey there and back was great fun (if a little nervous). The test took just under 3 hours, and was actually quite fun, particularly helped by the friendly and informative tester, Doug.

Many thanks, to all those who have helped me over the last 18 months. The final hurdle is to now get it registered, and hopefully on the road for July and August

Avon Pass
Avon Pass


[Edited on 15/6/06 by timwest167]

[Edited on 15/6/06 by timwest167]

Hellfire - 15/6/06 at 11:53 AM

Brilliant news... love the car.

Just in time for the 1 week summer we have!!!


JAG - 15/6/06 at 11:57 AM

Well done mate, great feeling isn't it!

Great looking car

DavidM - 15/6/06 at 12:02 PM

Well done, particularly for a first time pass at Leighton Buzzard.

I hope you'll bring it along to the Northants group meet some time, so we can all have a look.


zxrlocost - 15/6/06 at 12:19 PM

thats great mate

whys it going to take that long to be on the road

if its funds thats fair enough but if not

I passed my sva on friday and got my number plates on tuesday

granted i could actually go to the dvla

they come out with all this crap about they dont do it over the counter

but get someone else to serve you and plead how youve got a car show next week then theyll do it hopefully

they will do it there and then if not to busy

timwest167 - 15/6/06 at 12:39 PM

I hope registration is that easy...

Just a bit concerned, as my brother took over 4 weeks to get his registered. In the end he had to get DVLA Northampton to write to DVLA Luton to tell them how to do it!

You can't get hold of anyone at DVLA Luton on the phone, it's fully automated... which means driving there just to find out how their inspection system works!


donut - 15/6/06 at 12:46 PM

YAHOOO! 1st time pass!!! WELL DONE!!

Nice looking car too.

wicket - 15/6/06 at 03:14 PM

Well done, very nice looking car. Thats 2 1st time passes this week.

stevec - 15/6/06 at 03:16 PM

Well done, I think I would have a heart attack if I passed 1st time.

wilkingj - 15/6/06 at 06:31 PM

Well Done..

Just wait till you can take it on the road when ever you want... Great Feeling.

Take it easy till you get used to it.

k33ts - 15/6/06 at 07:45 PM

well done that man looking good