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sav fuel cap question???
tks - 14/2/05 at 03:52 PM

is this one good for a unleaded car or just for a leaded one??

because of the "ring/flap rule"


TKS Rescued attachment fuelcapbox.jpg
Rescued attachment fuelcapbox.jpg

Fifer - 14/2/05 at 06:16 PM

By the ticked NO on the box, I would say Leaded.
However, if your car doesnt need unleaded due to the age of the engine, it doesnt matter

tks - 16/2/05 at 12:22 PM

Rally design quoted this..::

This just means that the flap is OK for unleaded fuel

anyone agrree?? i need for unleaded pass sva


marc n - 16/2/05 at 03:33 PM

what that assembly is missing is a reducer so that only an unleaded nozzle will fit into the cap

