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Pre-IVA photos (pic heavy)
Sloan85 - 28/8/13 at 05:15 AM

Well, after 10 months of building it's IVA time next week, so I am posting the obligatory "pre-IVA photos" in the hope of people spotting any mistakes or things I've forgotten to do.

The only jobs that I believe I have left are to fit the rear reflectors, install a secondary fixing to the mushrooms at the front and install the under dash tray on passenger side to hide killswitch (will do just before test)

Any advice is much appreciated.


renetom - 28/8/13 at 07:23 AM

Looks great
The only things I could see was pedals need anti slip or rubbers
Exhaust clamp, turn bolt so as to be between car & silencer.
we had the same on ours but he let us alter it during the test.
Good luck.

Jimfin - 28/8/13 at 07:29 AM

Looks really good and all the usual defects have been attended to - you must have spent ages reading all the threads on this site! Well that's what I did and it paid off. The only observation I have - and it is nothing to do with the IVA - the battery cables look "untidy" compared to the rest of the build, did you have a different battery when you planned the cable runs?

adithorp - 28/8/13 at 07:35 AM

Very nice! Can't see a lot wrong there.

Only bit that stands out is the exhaust clamp for edges. Can you turn it so they'renot contactable?
Do you have the required brake fluid label? Think I can see it but not sure.
VIN number on chassis OK? In a main tube or seam welded plate?
Seat belt achorages look OK. Are they higher than the holes in the seat? (hard to tellin pictures)

I think the pedals have anti slip on them.

loggyboy - 28/8/13 at 07:42 AM

Might not matter, but the rear fog switch is pointing the same way as the headlights. Arguably could cause confusion?

Rest if it looks spot on, a very tidy build, not sold on the colour though!

Carbonman - 28/8/13 at 07:45 AM

Looks like a really nice build, particularly liking the colour and the little "U" clamps either side of the toggle switches
One thing I did see are the cable tie "blocks" on the headlight mounts are on top and I don't think they meet the radius requirements, rotating them round to the underneath should do the trick.

Smoking Frog - 28/8/13 at 08:14 AM

Does the battery's negative terminal need a cover? Big achievement in ten months BTW looks good. Good luck for the IVA.

Sloan85 - 28/8/13 at 08:43 AM

Thanks for the comments. Looks like a couple of small jobs to sort before next week. In response to all questions.....

Clutch and brake pedals - Have skateboard tape on so will be ok.

Exhaust clamp - good spot, I'll get that turned round a bit.

Battery cables - I had planned to turn battery round, shorten and swap cables to tidy that but i forgot. I'll try to do that at the weekend.

Brake fluid sticker - yup, got that stuck to the bulkhead next to the brake fluid reservoir

VIN plate - I fully welded that at the weekend. Worst welding in the world ever probably but at least it's done.

Harness anchors - when pulled horizontally, the harnesses do not contact the seats

Fog light switch - not sure about this one. It will be a pain to strip down to turn it round - anyone else know if this will be a problem?

Cable ties on light brackets - tested these, they can't be contacted with 100mm sphere.

Battery negative cover - again not sure about this, can anyone else confirm if this is required?


Jenko - 28/8/13 at 08:51 AM

Looks the colour too.

adithorp - 28/8/13 at 08:51 AM

I doubt the foglight switch is an issue. Never seen anything about it. I Think all symbols face right on tin-tops from (poor) memory.

Don't think battery neg cover is a requirement. in-top's don't all have them and it can't short anywhere anymore than any bit of chassis can.

Is the info on your VIN/manufacurer plate OK? Think I saw someone on here fail for too much info recently.

loggyboy - 28/8/13 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Sloan85

Fog light switch - not sure about this one. It will be a pain to strip down to turn it round - anyone else know if this will be a problem?

Battery negative cover - again not sure about this, can anyone else confirm if this is required?

The other option is to get a small label saying rear fog, means it can be removed post IVA but ensures he wont feel it could cause confusion. It could be the tester feels it could be for front fogs (even if you dont have them, you have to assume that the car is being driven by someone unfamilar with the car itself). Whilst the front fog symbol is slightly different to the rear fog, (the beams are angled down on the front logo), it still very similar.

You may be ok as the wording for the indentification of controls and pictogram section states:

Note 3: Tables A and B are for guidance only any method of identification or colours may be used providing this would cause no confusion to the driver.

Also the picto gram actually show the headlights the other way (pointing left), but as above, these are guidance only.

Whilst were on the subject of rear fogs, have you wired a buzzer or a system to switch the light off when dipped are switched untill the fog is purposefully switched back on. - as discussed here -

As for the battery, there is no specfic requirement, but this could apply :
8. All electrical components must be secure be of adequate capacity and insulated as required as to prevent short circuiting during operation.

As with a lot of the more ambiguous requirements, its all down to interpretation.

loggyboy - 28/8/13 at 09:11 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
I doubt the foglight switch is an issue. Never seen anything about it. I Think all symbols face right on tin-tops from (poor) memory.

I do agree its quite likely it wont be an issue, but car symbols will always show the rear fog poniting the other way from the general front lights, even if no front fog is fitted.

[Edited on 28-8-13 by loggyboy]

carlknight1982 - 28/8/13 at 09:58 AM

Looks good

liking the color too;


ReMan - 28/8/13 at 09:59 AM

Looks a great quality build in a relatively short time. Notyhing to add ottehr than good luck
Hope to see it on the road soon

gremlin1234 - 28/8/13 at 10:24 AM

looks very nice,

a couple of questions,

are the front side lights / position lamps in the head lights? - and do they meet the viewing angles (80degrees out and 45 in)

where the roll bar goes though the rear deck, might be improved with some edging.

loggyboy - 28/8/13 at 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Sloan85
Battery negative cover - again not sure about this, can anyone else confirm if this is required?

Just checked pics and re-read this - No a negative cover is definately not required, and would be comepletely pointless as the hole chassis and engine casing is negative! I thought the comment was about a positive cover, which it clearly already has!

[Edited on 28-8-13 by loggyboy]

deezee - 28/8/13 at 10:49 AM

I know that any covers need to be removable and replaced for working on the car. So heat shrink can be frowned upon on the top wishbone ball joint as it can't be replaced at the garage if they work on your car.

Sloan85 - 28/8/13 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by deezee
I know that any covers need to be removable and replaced for working on the car. So heat shrink can be frowned upon on the top wishbone ball joint as it can't be replaced at the garage if they work on your car.

Is that enough to fail an IVA? I have used a self amalgamating rubber strip that could be undone I suppose.


Sloan85 - 28/8/13 at 10:55 AM

On that subject, I have covered top ball joint nut, is the actual ball joint ok without anything covering it?


serieslandy - 28/8/13 at 08:13 PM

I couldn't see anything that hasn't already been addressed.

Where did you get your headlights from as that's what I've been looking for?
Very tidy build btw especially in 10months

loggyboy - 28/8/13 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by serieslandy
I couldn't see anything that hasn't already been addressed.

Where did you get your headlights from as that's what I've been looking for?
Very tidy build btw especially in 10months

They are Dominators, try Russbost on here.

SteveWallace - 28/8/13 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Sloan85
On that subject, I have covered top ball joint nut, is the actual ball joint ok without anything covering it?


I saw someone fail IVA on this very point a few weeks ago. If the radius ball can contact the upper ball joint, it will fail (although this may be tester specific). I have put rubber gaiters off a BMW wiring loom on mine - free issue from the local scrappy and for the lock nut I used a drilled through rubber walking stick ferrule - a few pence on e-bay. Since taking the picture I have also covered the other nut



adithorp - 28/8/13 at 09:54 PM

I'm not sure I agree about the covers having to be removable for maintenance. Plenty of failures documented because coverings weren't deemed permanent.

Have you checked the beam pattern on the head lamps. There's been a few cases of lamps that dipped the wrong way being sold.

doobrychat - 28/8/13 at 09:57 PM

Hi Sloan.. thanks for the sump....

build looks great.. if you want some little stickers for the iva like fog lights etc then let me know as i made a few for mine... i didn't even see the radius tool at my iva as he could tell whether it was right or not which really frustrated me after sweating so much over the build..

but clear labelling to avoid confusion will show attention to detail..

let me know if you need anything

Sloan85 - 29/8/13 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
I'm not sure I agree about the covers having to be removable for maintenance. Plenty of failures documented because coverings weren't deemed permanent.

Have you checked the beam pattern on the head lamps. There's been a few cases of lamps that dipped the wrong way being sold.

Nope, I have not done anything about the headlamps yet. Any advice on what I need to do to ensure they are right?


Sloan85 - 29/8/13 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by doobrychat
Hi Sloan.. thanks for the sump....

build looks great.. if you want some little stickers for the iva like fog lights etc then let me know as i made a few for mine... i didn't even see the radius tool at my iva as he could tell whether it was right or not which really frustrated me after sweating so much over the build..

but clear labelling to avoid confusion will show attention to detail..

let me know if you need anything

Glad the sump arrived ok. I put some labels above the switches tonight, just printed using a label maker. Hopefully should clear any confusion of there was any. What stickers did you make?


loggyboy - 29/8/13 at 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Sloan85
Originally posted by adithorp
I'm not sure I agree about the covers having to be removable for maintenance. Plenty of failures documented because coverings weren't deemed permanent.

Have you checked the beam pattern on the head lamps. There's been a few cases of lamps that dipped the wrong way being sold.

Nope, I have not done anything about the headlamps yet. Any advice on what I need to do to ensure they are right?


Take it to friendly MoT place and get them checked out, or just park it a few metres from a wall at night and see what the pattern looks like. They should be flat IIRC as they are designed for the american market who dont have sided kickups (which is ok for Iva). There is a guide on the furore products website about rotating the lens to create a uk sided pickup.
However some have complained or even failed on no distinguishable beam pattern at all. They are cheap chinese items so well worth checking them out.

Daddylonglegs - 30/8/13 at 06:46 AM

That is a nice clean build you should be well pleased

I can't spot anything other than the tie-wraps and exhaust clamp as already mentioned and you have that covered, except you might be asked to remove the tie-bar covers to prove to Mr IVA that the locknuts are locked - I had to for my test, luckily I had heavy-duty electrical conduit tails on mine with tie-wraps so it was easy. Just a thought

I also did not see your chassis number or VIN plate, but then that's probably my early morning eyes

Well done on the build, as said it's great for 10 months, mine took me 7 years and looks nowhere as nice

Good luck with your test BTW

Sloan85 - 30/8/13 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Originally posted by Sloan85
Originally posted by adithorp
I'm not sure I agree about the covers having to be removable for maintenance. Plenty of failures documented because coverings weren't deemed permanent.

Have you checked the beam pattern on the head lamps. There's been a few cases of lamps that dipped the wrong way being sold.

Nope, I have not done anything about the headlamps yet. Any advice on what I need to do to ensure they are right?


Take it to friendly MoT place and get them checked out, or just park it a few metres from a wall at night and see what the pattern looks like. They should be flat IIRC as they are designed for the american market who dont have sided kickups (which is ok for Iva). There is a guide on the furore products website about rotating the lens to create a uk sided pickup.

However some have complained or even failed on no distinguishable beam pattern at all. They are cheap chinese items so well worth checking them out.

Do you have a link to this guide??


serieslandy - 30/8/13 at 09:07 AM

It's near the bottom of this page, just above the pics.

I've been looking at the dominator lights but this is what I've been worried about, also apparently the poor light output.

Sloan85 - 4/9/13 at 01:07 PM


Just got back from Nottingham, passed the IVA with only a couple of things needing attention while I was there.

Power Commander needed tweaking slightly - pass the emissions on the 2nd attempt.
Needed a sticker above my reverse arming toggle switch saying "reverse light".
Needed to file the edges of the exhaust silencer bracket as it didn't meet the radius requirements.

Other than that, the car flew through. Very happy today :-)

Now to deal with DVLA - probably should have ordered the forms before today though - 7-10 day wait for the forms to arrive?!

Many thanks to all who have offered advice over the last few months, couldn't have done it without the information gained from this forum.



adithorp - 4/9/13 at 01:16 PM

Nice one!

Not suprised though having seen the pictures. Forms arrived (from memory) much quicker than the web-site said when I went through this.

RichardK - 4/9/13 at 01:26 PM

Well done James, just dvla to go and you're sorted!

Nice car btw
