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IVA Pass Today!!!!!!!!!
Bumble - 8/7/11 at 03:15 PM

Passed my Re-test this afternoon at Leighton Buzzard. Emissions was the big one but passed with flying colours after I "leaned" the mix out at Natural and Fast Idle Ranges.

Thanks to everyone on LCB without which I would not have got through......special thanks to Big_Wasa who has been a massive source of help throughout my whole build.

Now just the DVLA to negotiate!!



daniel mason - 8/7/11 at 03:34 PM

well done that man!

chesney321 - 8/7/11 at 03:38 PM

congratulations hope to pass mine soon too

mrwibble - 8/7/11 at 03:41 PM

wheres the pics dude!

big_wasa - 8/7/11 at 03:45 PM

Very well done and I am very jealous

Bumble - 8/7/11 at 04:02 PM

Come on Wasa, what's left t do?? If I can help in any way you only have to ask as I'd gladly lend a hand. Plus I've got lots of IVA bit n pieces now surplus to requirements (until I do the next project of course)!!

Originally posted by big_wasa
Very well done and I am very jealous

big_wasa - 8/7/11 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Bumble
Come on Wasa, what's left t do?? If I can help in any way you only have to ask as I'd gladly lend a hand. Plus I've got lots of IVA bit n pieces now surplus to requirements (until I do the next project of course)!!

Originally posted by big_wasa
Very well done and I am very jealous

Stick rubber trim every ware and pay vosa £450

scrappy_7 - 8/7/11 at 04:13 PM

Well done .
passed mine 2 weeks ago. Just drove home in a downpour , soaking wet but still have a big grin on my face.

Bumble - 8/7/11 at 04:17 PM

Pic attached + My Newphew Matt whose car mad and over visiting from the US for the summer.

[img] IVA Pass 8th July + My Nephew
IVA Pass 8th July + My Nephew

Bumble - 8/7/11 at 04:18 PM

Rubber trim I can help with, £450 I can't I'm afraid!!

Originally posted by big_wasa
Originally posted by Bumble
Come on Wasa, what's left t do?? If I can help in any way you only have to ask as I'd gladly lend a hand. Plus I've got lots of IVA bit n pieces now surplus to requirements (until I do the next project of course)!!

Originally posted by big_wasa
Very well done and I am very jealous

Stick rubber trim every ware and pay vosa £450

adithorp - 8/7/11 at 04:23 PM

Nice one!

jollygreengiant - 8/7/11 at 04:32 PM

Well done mate. Just in time for the summer weather.

big_wasa - 8/7/11 at 04:34 PM

Now I cant just pull it from behind the sofa but its not somthing I cant sort. I just object to paying it lack of drive to do so.

Ive enjoyed building it but I love driving the zs more and have been spending money on her. Full stainless / two cats new brakes new leather.......

But watch this space. I may have a ride to woolies if there open tommorrow.

Originally posted by Bumble
Rubber trim I can help with, £450 I can't I'm afraid!!

aka_shortie - 8/7/11 at 04:38 PM

congratulations, looks great

L5W - 8/7/11 at 04:42 PM

congrats Matt!

dunk3 - 8/7/11 at 06:45 PM

Well done Matt , now get it used and have some fun

ASH3 - 8/7/11 at 06:51 PM

Well done now the fun really starts...

franky - 10/7/11 at 12:39 PM

Just seen this, well done

The DVLA weren't too bad, Reg given on the same day as the inspection.
