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Its done! well...its close and will have to do.
Dangle_kt - 23/4/09 at 10:23 PM

Had the day from hell, only just managing to get everything done, including my wing stay knightmare - they arn't great and don't QUITE cover the whole tyre, but will have to do.

Up at 5am.

Things i know I will fail on

Fuel hose - unmarked

small run of brake line not p clipped (only spotted it tonight! DOH!

Headlight aim

Emissions (really rough idle, but it runs and revs, so he can test it)

speedo will be out by miles (didnlt have time to check it)

two bolts on rear trailing arms are not long enogh to meet nyloc bit of bolt

self centre?

exhaust will have a sharp edge (I lost my exchaust wrap and didn't have time to get more!)

brake bias not locked

chassis number not stamped - just remebered that one, got the punches in the car ready to do it tomorrow!


Thats enough!

Anyway, not bothered failing - I just CAN NOT get turned away, as car will be worthless (bec with no sva and no reverse) and with no job, I can;t afford to etiher buy reverse, OR the IVA fee, but i'll get buttons for it as it is.

I'd appriecate lots of crossed fingers fellas.

Thanks for all the help, and encouragment, especially to those who have gone out of their way to help - you know who you all are - a deep thank you.

Right, I'm knackered, off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Dangle_kt - 23/4/09 at 10:25 PM

Rescued attachment 101_2209.JPG
Rescued attachment 101_2209.JPG

Steve Hignett - 23/4/09 at 10:26 PM

nitram38 - 23/4/09 at 10:27 PM

Most not volunteer information to your tester.
Lots of stuff does not get checked unless mentioned.
Example: Fuel Hose markings.
Each tester has their own little bug bears so just answer on what is asked or say not sure.
You might be surprised by what they miss out!

[Edited on 23/4/2009 by nitram38]

Wheels244 - 23/4/09 at 10:31 PM


You might get a pleasant surprise - if not at least you'll get a to do list.

Best of luck mate.


cloudy - 23/4/09 at 10:32 PM

I'd be a little worried about no chassis number as it's the only thing to tie up the fail sheet with your car!

If you can get time to get something stamped, even just a riveted plate, i'd definately do it. It's the first test usually too....

Good luck!


AdrianH - 23/4/09 at 10:34 PM

Hope it goes well.

I wonder if any testers read the forum and say to them selves thanks for letting me know about that fault?


craig1410 - 23/4/09 at 11:00 PM

Originally posted by cloudy
I'd be a little worried about no chassis number as it's the only thing to tie up the fail sheet with your car!

If you can get time to get something stamped, even just a riveted plate, i'd definately do it. It's the first test usually too....

Good luck!


Yeah I was thinking that too, I hope he doesn't get turned away due to the chassis number not being stamped.

If you read this, take some PU adhesive and rivets etc. to attach the plate. Oh, take some ally plate too...

Good luck, you may indeed get a pleasant surprise.


Scoobythedog - 23/4/09 at 11:08 PM

Eco the importance of a chassis number on an ally plate, thats all mine was on, rivited to the frame, the point being that they checked it on test and retest. Its the only thing that ties up the paperwork.

Good luck with the rest, you will be surprised what they miss, that you know about, volunteer as little information, whilst being pleasant.

Good luck.,

iscmatt - 23/4/09 at 11:13 PM

make sure you pump your tyres up hard regarding self centre, and, through experience, they should adjust the headlights while you are there...

Good luck

James - 23/4/09 at 11:25 PM

I totally forgot about chassis number for mine. Even though I'd had some laser cut plates made up specially.

Tester said he woulsn't test without it!

But he said he would get on with the protrusions checking if I ran down to a local garage and borrowed a set of stamps.


welderman - 23/4/09 at 11:41 PM

may the force be with you

speedyxjs - 24/4/09 at 06:09 AM

It would be great if you passed, knowing all those fail points
Good luck

chris_smith - 24/4/09 at 06:59 AM

good luck andrew, enjoy the day, and at least you will get a list of "What to do" and have 6mth to do it in


jabbahutt - 24/4/09 at 07:05 AM

best of luck, fingers crossed for you

02GF74 - 24/4/09 at 07:24 AM

Don't get worked up over chassis number.

Min 9 digits, max 17. You can do that whilst waiting in the queue.

I am not having a go at anyone, but people get IMO quite anal about fancy plats blah blah - all you need is some digits are are readable - doesn't need to be neat or shiney, and that is it.

good luck - I'll bet you'll still get less than my 3 pages!??!?!

Jubal - 24/4/09 at 07:45 AM

GL Andy. It's a long way from that shed we trailered over to Steve's!

fesycresy - 24/4/09 at 07:59 AM

Good luck.

And Steve, no need to post pictures of your conquests on this forum

Originally posted by Steve Hignett

hughpinder - 24/4/09 at 09:02 AM

Best of luck there


Vindi_andy - 24/4/09 at 10:13 AM

Good luck.

Dave at birmingham let me adjust headlight aim during the test as well as fit 2 missing nyloc from the handbrake linkage while it was on the lift

A1 - 24/4/09 at 11:04 AM

the speedo should be okay to do there, i got to spend a while doing mine...