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SVA Pass - Glasgow!!!
craig1410 - 3/4/09 at 03:23 PM


A big thank you to all who have helped me over the years - I got a first time pass at Glasgow this morning. Also a big thank you to Allan the SVA tester as he is a rare mixture of being friendly, professional, extremely thorough and yet very fair. I also spoke to Kenny from the DVLA who attends the SVA test centre usually on each Friday and provided you have already submitted your DVLA paperwork to his offices he will usually be able to do the inspection there and then. Otherwise, like with me, I will need to hand in the paperwork to the DVLA offices in Glasgow and he will then come out to my house and do the inspection on-site. I'm hoping to get this done on Wednesday as he is down my way.

Some details of the test:

Noise test 98.6dB
Front axle weight 364 Kg
Rear axle weight 390 Kg (both weights are without passenger or driver but with a full tank of fuel.) My estimate of 750Kg was almost spot on! I put down 500/500 on the forms though to account for passenger, driver and fuel.

Speedo was the most accurate he has ever tested according to the tester - it read as follows:

Indicated - Actual
70 - 69
60 - 60
50 - 50
40 - 40
35 - 35

Another way to look at this is that I was BLOODY LUCKY!! I only set it up with an inch tape round the wheel...

Brakes were good and the bias valve (Fiat Uno) made no difference whether it was fully on or fully off so I didn't need to lock it up with a rollpin. I will do so anyway and will lock it up with the plunger unable to move as this improves brake pedal.

Drove the car home for the last 10 miles or so after we got off the motorway and it was great! It sounds like a Spitfire fighter plane and goes just as fast!! Obviously I didn't go crazy but you can tell straight away that it is quick. It jumps from 30 to 60 in the blink of an eye and even 5th gear puts you back in your seat!

Thanks again to everyone,

blakep82 - 3/4/09 at 03:33 PM

welll done

Humbug - 3/4/09 at 03:34 PM

Well done!

Did you go to for insurance?

fesycresy - 3/4/09 at 03:36 PM

Well done, but as soon as I saw Meerkat...........

Compare the Meerkat

adithorp - 3/4/09 at 03:39 PM

Nice one!


Jasper - 3/4/09 at 03:43 PM

Nice one - looks a nice car

tomgregory2000 - 3/4/09 at 04:09 PM

Well done.
Great feeling isnt it

Simon - 3/4/09 at 04:33 PM


Told you not to worry



Simon - 3/4/09 at 04:34 PM

Forgot to say, don't think about modifying it as you'll end up being off the road more than on.

And I speak from experience



craig1410 - 3/4/09 at 04:46 PM

Thanks guys, yes it is a good feeling although I must say my main feeling at present is tiredness! It's been a busy few weeks stealing time here and there from normal duties to spend time on the car...

Worth it though, the 10 miles or so I drove it were unlike anything you can experience in a "normal" car. I think everyone should remove their windscreen as the feeling of blasting through the air is exhilarating to say the least!!

@Simon, I don't intend to do too much to it in the short term, just test it thoroughly by gradually expanding the envelope in terms of lateral G's, braking and accelerating and checking the major mechanicals for any signs of stress after each blast. At the moment I feel my brakes lack bite and my cooling system is a bit poor when idling but I'm sure I can improve on this fairly easily.

Looking forward to the summer now!!

jollygreengiant - 3/4/09 at 05:10 PM

Well done that man. First drive makes quite an impression, just wait till you start to get the hang of it.

mangogrooveworkshop - 3/4/09 at 06:35 PM

well done

Paul (Notts) - 3/4/09 at 06:51 PM


Well done that man. First drive makes quite an impression, just wait till you start to get the hang of it

The real danger comes when you think you have got the hang of it and you end up facing the wrong way on a main road.


zilspeed - 3/4/09 at 06:58 PM

Kenny was the bloke who sorted out my registration for me with the Sylva.
He's an enthusiast so IMHO he's one of us.

That's got to help.

Slater - 3/4/09 at 07:30 PM

Well done. A first time pass! that's excellent!

craig1410 - 3/4/09 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
Kenny was the bloke who sorted out my registration for me with the Sylva.
He's an enthusiast so IMHO he's one of us.

That's got to help.

Yeah Kenny is definitely an enthusiast! He was telling me how much he enjoys driving his Skoda Fabia vRS in an "enthusiastic" manner... Hell of a nice guy too - very helpful indeed. He was particularly taken with my choice of a V8 engine in my locost and seemed to think I must be a bit mad!

I was very impressed with both Allan and Kenny - they are both clearly very professional and take their jobs very seriously. Allan was extremely thorough when checking the underside of my car and I must admit I was a bit nervous at that point but he popped his head out from under the lift and said that everything looked fine. He really knows what to look for and was more than happy to explain to a friend of mine, ("pbs" from the forum) who has his SVA on the 22nd April, what he was looking for.

I feel a bit silly for fretting over my car for the last few days...


craig1410 - 3/4/09 at 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Paul (Notts)

Well done that man. First drive makes quite an impression, just wait till you start to get the hang of it

The real danger comes when you think you have got the hang of it and you end up facing the wrong way on a main road.


I go sideways whenever I can and love go-karting so I am pretty confident I can catch my Meerkat RV8 under control...


Simon - 4/4/09 at 12:13 AM

And the best thing about all that torque is that a bit is sideways is only a light stamp on the right pedal

You'll be sideways around most roundabouts. Trust me!



Shadowcaster - 4/4/09 at 07:27 AM

Lovely looking beast, glad I have decided on a V8 in mine,

JimM - 4/4/09 at 09:45 PM

Well done Craig ....
Might see you out and about in the summer