posted on 12/9/11 at 09:35 AM |
Viento V8 Throttle
Just setting up my throttle pedal and cable etc etc and I have a couple of questions
1. When attaching the cable to the pedal have you guys just drilled a tiny hole in the rod?
2. Any recommendations on where on the rod to drill. Higher up will involve more travel and lower down less travel.
3. I am hoping to put the return spring at the carb end. I am sure RPI et al will have something. Would I be advised to put a cable adjuster in or
something in the system to enable fine tuning?
Cheers guys
posted on 12/9/11 at 11:19 AM |
1. My pedal has a tab welded to it, and the hole is in that.
2. It is also influenced by the attachment at the other end as well. Higher up will also give a lighter pedal with more precision. Mine has quite a
long travel which means I'm less likely to be surprised by an excess of torque
3. Adjustment is pretty essential. Ideally your throttle pedal at rest should be roughly in line with your brake pedal pushed in. It makes heel
& toe possible. You also want to have some sort of physical stop on the pedal so that when you push it as far as you can, you are not stretching
the cable, which would eventually snap, but you do want to be at WOT.
posted on 12/9/11 at 11:53 AM |
Sadly my Viento accelerator doesn't have a tab - just a rod.
I wish I could afford to buy everything for my RV8 from RPI. There stuff has always been brilliant. However it is also costly!!! The throttle cable
kit is £40!! 
posted on 12/9/11 at 12:01 PM |
I went to my local bike shop and got a brake cable for about £3. Throttle return springs were scrounged from local motor factors for a small amount i
can't remember.
posted on 12/9/11 at 02:17 PM |
If it's the standard Luego throttle pedal where the rod is 1/4" dia (I think) then I created a ball end on the rod and used a standard
Ford cable with the the female cup end with spring clip retainer.
Like this one
but I did'nt pay £30 for it, came for my local motor factors.
posted on 12/9/11 at 04:52 PM |
I cut the cable attaching part off of the Granada (donor)) pedal and welded it onto the Luego item. JD
Beware of the Goldfish in the tulip mines. The ONLY defence against them is smoking peanut butter sandwiches.
Paul (Notts)
posted on 12/9/11 at 06:56 PM |
  Cable to throttle Ped
File the top flat and attach a clevis ( I think thats the correct name ) to the cable (pushes in and alen key locks it in place.)
attach as in pic.
I am using a bike brake cable cost £5 +another £4 for the clevis.
[Edited on 12/9/11 by Paul (Notts)]