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NeilP - 14/9/08 at 03:03 PM

Finally the weather behaved a little better but regardless, a good time was had by all and it was great catching up with everyone - I hope you are all reading this safety returned.

Many thanks to Paul for sorting out the banner ...

...and to one of our number for demonstrating his superhuman powers - I never knew you could light a barbeque like that
Superhero firelighter
Superhero firelighter

As for the rest of it - Well I'm sure there are going to be more than a few posts on certain aspects of the 'show' but it wasn't a bad turnout for a bad year and as usual there was lots going on outside with owners helping builders.

Andy's son Connor gets the 'describe the new creation' prize - A turbo slug on trolley wheels.

And Dirty Den (retaining champion) gets the 'Slug' award for mugging punters for a £15 camping charge at 9o/c at night after they've had a few beers and can't leave. According to those he visited, Den's charge was like the one you pay on other sites for nearby facilities, hot water, electricity, lighting, security and a patch of grass but sadly the young farmers the night before had eaten/drunk everything but the grass...

A bit of choice customer feedback coming your way organisers and if it helps, we'll do you receipts next year for the fuel we use getting to your shows

jollygreengiant - 14/9/08 at 04:11 PM

I would like to thank all those who took the plunge and turned up to one of the best weather weekends of the year. It was good to see you all there and it was just a shame that more people could not make it. I'm sure that some were deterred by the earlier poor weather prospect. However I am also sure that more were discouraged by the thought of having to pay for camping.
As builders and drivers of these cars the show organisers must take into account that if they loose the support of the people displaying their cars then in reality they would surely have no 'SHOW'. Generally we have for the most part spent a lot of time, money and care building our vehicles. Some of us also give up a weekends work to attend the show.
We do not ask for a great deal, we bring our cars along, we like to stay over night with them as this keeps our costs down. Most people do not have enough space to bring along anything other than a small to modest sized tent. So would a small piece of grass with some reasonable (nearby) basic amenities be too much to ask for.

Whilst we are on the subject also 'IF' evening entertainment is to be put on, then would it not be better to make the cost of the drinks obtained within the 'establishment' a fair bit less than extortionate?.

The above are my views and opinions and do not in any way reflect upon the website within which they are posted and hosted.


NeilP - 14/9/08 at 04:23 PM

And of course, as usual, a huge vote of thanks to Clive for sorting out the pitch and being chef!

Paul (Notts) - 14/9/08 at 06:09 PM

Thanks to Clive for another excellent show. The weather on Saturday help to make it one of the best this year.

Looking forward to better weather next year for the shows and at least one Luego special event.

Just need to use up the petrol that’s left in the tank and then the car goes into the garage for the winter. Hopefully to emerge with several new features.

BUT first I must try out the new Exhaust system ..


Andybarbet - 14/9/08 at 06:18 PM

Cheers for a great time peeps, we both had a laugh, connor loved it and he got to go in 'the red car' as he called it (his favourite of the weekend), thanks Neil.

The choccy cake was great too, i still can't believe how much camping gear you can all get into your Viento's

Here's hopeing for some more weather like that at next years shows when i shall be letting everyone know of my progress at last

Regards Andy (& the boy Connor)

kelloggs - 14/9/08 at 06:35 PM

Well folks I sadly did not make the show, sounds like you all had a great time. I set off in the sun looking forward to a good day out but alas 9 miles down the road a police car started to follow me, after a mile or so he decided to stop me and tell me that my brake lights weren't working. So I turned around and headed home only to find there was nothing wrong with them, so I took the Mrs out for lunch instead.

kelloggs - 14/9/08 at 06:38 PM

sorry forget to say the banner looks great!!

coozer - 14/9/08 at 07:04 PM

The good wife and me made it to the show and where surprised to see a good turn out of club gatherings. The surprise was not having to pay to see everyones cars and the Westy slalom.

We only decided to go at 9am this morning due to teh weather and after a 3 hour drive the inside area was a rip off. I'd talked to all the good MNR people and walked round twice but there was hardly any trade stands and I'm afraid not many kit manufacturers.. although the MNR stand was awesome! 'cough'

We did have the chance to purchase last years show guide for half the price of this years tho

Some nice touches, the V8 engine sellers, biggest turn out I could see! and I particularly liked the TR3 rep...

This is our third disappointing show in a row now, not withstanding the private turn out as previously mentioned actually makes it worth while, I will not be attending another kit car show for a long time.

McLannahan - 14/9/08 at 07:59 PM

Did the slalom pick up on the Sunday?

Seemed REALLY quiet on Saturday.

I signed up for Complete Kit Car - seems like a decent mag!

And bought a trolley jack. Sick of trying to balance the car on the VW scissor jack!

Hoping Exeter's a big do!

trextr7monkey - 14/9/08 at 09:39 PM

The Caterham slalom was a rip - my lad had a go at Stoneleigh or somewhere a few years ago and "it was ace", he was going to give it a whirl this time but we were amazed at how short the runs were - we timed several and they were all about a 60 seconds. £10 for that?

we only bought one item from our shopping list ( Europa)- lots of good stuff to see but nothing that won't be at Newark/ Stoneleigh
I agree TKC is a good read! And yes weather was brill yesterday

pif - 14/9/08 at 10:02 PM

well we went and camped over, only show have been to this year and it was rather average. came to stafford last in 2004 and it was much better then with a dedicated For Sale area in side, bar that was open and more trade stands.

cobra people next to me were v.pi$$ed off at camping charge and quality of show.

my boy enjoyed the trip there and back and the westy drift more than anything else.

didn't pay for camping BTW as went to bed at 8.45 with my lad as he only 4. wouldn't of been happy with facilities for £15 though.

best bit for me was the general chat with like minded owners and builders outside.


wilkingj - 15/9/08 at 02:35 PM

Just be grateful you get in for free with the Kit car.
The Landrover show at Billing Aquadrome (Northants) was about £60 to camp, the last time I visited it, and that was about 5 years ago. (Its a Major Rip off there)

IMHO Kit car shows are damn good value as a getting away from it all weekend with your mates sort of thing.

rusty nuts - 15/9/08 at 08:07 PM

Sounds like I didn't miss much apart from Clives cooking ,glad the weather was good for you . At least I got a tan but don't suppose I will still have it when I see you all next. Regards, Mel. P.S. Banner looks the dogs!

[Edited on 15/9/08 by rusty nuts]

jollygreengiant - 19/9/08 at 01:21 PM

Some Photo's

The Banner and Paul
The Banner and Paul

The usual Criminals @ Stafford
The usual Criminals @ Stafford


and we stayed up late cooking & eating
BBQ time 1
BBQ time 1