had a bit of spare metal, so i made a surround for the exhaust.
I painted it with hammarite, so im not sure how it will stand up to the heat...
i might get exhaust wrap so that might not be an issue.
exhaust surround
The clip at the front of the bonnet looks a bit flimsy
Are the front wings supplied by luego? look nicer than mine!
that's nice - but how come you have not painted it about exhaust pipe 3?
and find a piece of ali/steel or simply paint the body black the same wdith and shape below the exhsaust so the surround looks like it goes all the
way round.
I'd be surprised if the paint will burn off.
re 3rd exhust pipe - i think thats just the reflection - i painted it all over.
yea, the wings are the new luegos style. they are much longer than t he old companies so its easier to cover both the front and back for SVA.