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picture progress update.
saigonij - 3/11/07 at 07:55 PM

if anyone is interested, here are a few pictures of my recent progress - which has been slow due to a house move.

My lower coolant pipe which was originally a tiger lower alloy coolant pipe, but cut in two ( the ends were groved by CBS.

lower coolant pipe 4
lower coolant pipe 4

Lower coolant pipe in place - this is looking from the drivers side, into the front of the car. engine to the left of the picture.

lower coolant pipe 2
lower coolant pipe 2

Lower coolant pipe again, but from the passenger side. engine on the right. front of the car on the left.
although it looks like its close to the lower suspension mounts, its clear so no rubbing will take place.

lower coolant pipe
lower coolant pipe

Top coolant pipe coming out of the rad...

top coolant pipe
top coolant pipe

my side panels painted by Mark - all ready to go on the car. many thanks mark, they are amazing.


last and least... a side view of my car with its new 16 inch wheels ( ebay bargin ) and you can see the route of the coolant pipe coming out of the thermostat housing.

new wheels and coolant pipe
new wheels and coolant pipe

speedyxjs - 3/11/07 at 08:20 PM

Looks great
Well done

jollygreengiant - 4/11/07 at 03:12 AM

Looking good. keep up the good work.


ELO - 4/11/07 at 02:29 PM

Looks nice but what is the chimney coming out of the engine in the last pic for?


saigonij - 4/11/07 at 04:42 PM

oh, its just a bit of trunking that i attach the MAS air flow meter to when testing the engine.

saigonij - 10/11/07 at 07:37 PM

managed to get some more done this weekend...

first thing on the job list was to replace the LED flasher relay. now i have a mechanical one - boy is it loud and "cheap" sounding...

While i was there, i decided to relocate the ECU to above the Steering column but making a bracket out of metal. the bracket is attached to the steering brackets, not the column, so i can still raise and lower the column if i wish.


The it was on to finishing the coolant plumbing and to decide whether or not to use the Astra Header tank i had kicking about from a previous project...

I did not want to bolt the header tank directly to the flimsy schuttle so i made an l shaped braket to support the header tank, and bolted this to the schuttle to keep it in place ( adds no support - all provided by teh bracket ).



then i finished off the hoses - the header tank comes off a t-piece which connects to the rear thermostat hosuing pipe, and the bottom rad pipe - same route as the diamgrams i found by searching on here for Zetec plumbing.


last but not least, i decided to take a picture of the engine bay.


Few things remaining - need to sort out somesort of box to go over the throttle body ( i saw one on here very recently which gave me the idea ) and i need to remove the barcodes from the bits of alli holding the cutoff switch in place...

thats about it for now...

jollygreengiant - 11/11/07 at 11:51 AM

You certainly have been/are being a busy boy lately. Looks like you'll be getting the paper work ready soon for SVA.

I think the boxed in throttle was Perci's beast.
