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which engine
andybod - 9/10/04 at 04:34 PM

whilst i,m waiting to collect my velocity kit in a couple of week,s i just can,t decide which engine option to go for either honda st1100 pan budget,ing around £1200 for basic engine and reverse box
or zetec i,ll have the same budget and would probably leave in injection and modify to throttle bodies at a later stage what,s required for zetec rwd conversion the velocity will be built for road use and wife must be able to drive it unfortunitly any advise would be appriciated and is there any one in and around derby /burton on trent with one of these ta

wilkingj - 9/10/04 at 06:23 PM

Well... I am starting with a fairly standard cheapo engine, a 2.0 litre Pinto.
The aim is to get the car up and running, and through the SVA. THEN change it to how I want it, ie V8, etc etc. I even have the V8, but it is in need of a rebuild.

This will cost more money, and need to be funded. Hence the lesser engine to get it on the road, so I can appreciate my handiwork, and then spend longer deciding on exactly how I want it.

To put in a fullblown V8, T5 box etc etc, may not be exactly what I want. I dont really know. It what I think I want. So starting with something std and easy and cheap will not waste time and money, whilst I decide what I really want. It will also give me a spare engine and box, should I need to take the v8 out for major surgery etc.

At the end of the day a 2.0 Pinto may be wonderful and I keep it that way (or probably NOT!!)

Its to give me an easier SVA, and time to think, and time to get the money together.


PS... ROLL On Nov6th... delivery day!.

andybod - 9/10/04 at 06:30 PM

delivery day oct 23rd on holiday nov 05th so not going to be alot happening till then been offered a 1800 cvh for little money not best engine but manifold on correct side for zetec i like the look of the honda pan and have been offered a very good second hand reverse box for reasonable money but the guy has said they can have problem,s gettin pan through sva on emmission,s so stuck as to what to do

Steve Lovelock - 11/10/04 at 08:02 PM

I would have thought that a Zetec engine first off would make more sense than a pan European engine. I may just be prejudiced but as a sports bike person I don't rate the PE in a bike so in a car it would be even less desirable. On top of that you will have all the SVA agro, gearbox issues and wiring etc. So, I'd say that if you were going to do a bike engine then do a decent one and a Pan European is a dull bike engine from a very dull bike.

Call me opinionated though.

I am also due to pick up a Luego in a few weeks and am thinking of a Vauxhall 16V or possible a Sierra Cosworth turbo if I can find a donor for a suitable amount of money, i.e. not very much.

Andybarbet - 12/10/04 at 08:59 AM

I'm also picking my Velocity up on 6th November so might see you there Geoff ?

Going for the pinto inj but a few years down the line, who knows ??

hurf69 - 12/10/04 at 02:52 PM

i would try and get a 2.0 duratec for that money i sold one for 1100 quid which had 160 bhp and it was mint . they are lighter and stronger than the zetec.

Steve Lovelock - 12/10/04 at 03:42 PM

£1,100 for a Duratec sounds good value, did that have fuel intake system & timing for that price?

andybod - 12/10/04 at 04:54 PM

thank,s for the advise i think pre 95 zetec is looking best option on a cost base may even get a few fast bit,s with the budget please keep argument,s for and against coming any further suggestion.s appreciated still have time to change my mind

hurf69 - 13/10/04 at 09:51 AM

yes it did have timing and fuel intake .

zetecs are very good and pre 95 will save you alot of fannying about with cats etc (personally I prefer fannying with pussys)
I have a 1800 zetec in mine and that goes fine ,with a few trick bits you can have them running very nice .

Have you seen the 350bhp one on ebay ? NICE

hurf69 - 13/10/04 at 09:54 AM

now thats the boy !!

ChrisW - 13/10/04 at 06:03 PM

Zetec can be done the expensive way or the cheap & sensible way (assuming you junk the standard injection.

ESC2 box from mk5 Escort plugs straight in to the standard Zetec sensors and can be got for a fiver from a scrapper. Then add a pair of Weber 40's (£200-ish off ebay) and you're running.


wilkingj - 14/10/04 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Andybarbet
I'm also picking my Velocity up on 6th November so might see you there Geoff ?

Going for the pinto inj but a few years down the line, who knows ??

I hope to be fairly early, as I am only in Cambridge. Where abouts do you hail from?.

Hope to see you on the 6th.


andybod - 14/10/04 at 04:46 PM

sorry to sound stupid what,s the esc2 box does this do away with mondeo e.c.u and connect to mondeo crank sensor e.t.c so very little modifaction if so have you any more info pictures wiring diagram,s as this sound,s promising thank,s

ChrisW - 14/10/04 at 06:50 PM


It takes a feed from the Zetec CPS, air temp and coolant sensors plus a vacuum line from the manifold. Drives a standard Zetec coil pack.

I've tried it on a 2.0 Zetec from a 96 Mondeo and it was straight forward. I assume others will be the same.

You find them on the very first mk5 manual Escorts and Orions with a carb (*not* injection) eg 1.3 HCS & 1.4/1.6 CVH. Either the ESCP1 or ESC2 box will work.


[Edited on 14/10/04 by ChrisW] Rescued attachment esc2.jpg
Rescued attachment esc2.jpg

andybod - 15/10/04 at 04:34 PM

i think that answer.s which engine to go for now all i need to do is start looking for relevant bit,s thank,s for any advise which has been given does anybody need a good s,h, quaife reverse box i do know where there,s one coming out of a westfield

MikeRJ - 17/10/04 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by ChrisW
You find them on the very first mk5 manual Escorts and Orions with a carb (*not* injection) eg 1.3 HCS & 1.4/1.6 CVH. Either the ESCP1 or ESC2 box will work.

Does that not give you a CVH igntion advance curve for your Zetec?

stevebubs - 17/10/04 at 08:04 PM

Yes - this will give you a CVH advance curve.

However, the zetec is an evolution of the CVH so will be close enough to get you running.

ChrisW - 18/10/04 at 10:55 PM

It may not be perfect, but it is very cheap. It's either that, or spending out on a programmable unit (or use megasquirt, which I've also been playing with recently)


tks - 27/10/04 at 10:29 AM

i'm living in spain,

my kit arives next week.

also a velocity XT Yellow..

my engine will be a Honda VFR 800 V4, 16v

but maybe i change because i don't know if it wil fit, because its not a 4in line engine.

any one can measure for me some dimensions of the XT Chasis??


Bo - 27/10/04 at 07:06 PM

Sure thing

Which measurement do you want ?