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Always knew the first breakdown would come.....
DanP - 15/5/10 at 07:08 PM

Throttle cable snapped....

Thankfully only about 2 miles from home, was out for an evening spin and noticed the throttle staying open after lifting my foot, had to close it by lifting the pedal back. Decided to head back incase I'd lost my return spring, about 500 yards later... Pedal went completely slack, d'oh!

Pull over, lift bonnet and found cable had fatigued cos of the way I'd clamped it to the pedal, thankfully was enough sticking out of the sleeve to clamp back in place and limp home with a very sticky throttle.

Always knew the day would come that I would be glad a made up a toolkit for the boot just gotta order a new cable, work out a better way of attaching it, and hope that our summer isn't this week!

Xtreme Kermit - 15/5/10 at 07:35 PM

Commiserations - still at least no harm done and you'll be up and running again soon!

My first one after buying the car was when fuel pump died.

Nice back lane, blat blat put put splut - most embarassing

02GF74 - 15/5/10 at 08:45 PM

pah, call that a breakdown?

this is a breakdown. Rescued attachment cooked.jpg
Rescued attachment cooked.jpg

MakeEverything - 16/5/10 at 10:50 AM

That happened to me when i had the Dutton.

Fortunately, the previous owner that removed the automatic chike on the carbs installed a manual one with a cable so i swapped these and used the choke as a manual throttle. From breakdown to running again was about 15 minutes.

I'll be installing a spare throttle cable on the new one once i get the engine in. Just in case!! The clutch is hydraulic so if that breaks, then im pushing it anyway!!

[Edited on 16-5-10 by MakeEverything]

DanP - 16/5/10 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Fortunately, the previous owner that removed the automatic chike on the carbs installed a manual one with a cable so i swapped these and used the choke as a manual throttle. From breakdown to running again was about 15 minutes.

Oh I like that idea, never would have thought of that!

mogman1969 - 15/1/11 at 09:03 AM

drove 60 miles thru central bristol on a boot lace once when the throttle cable broke on my old moggy ......, changed the head gasket in a red light area , funny how no one thinks you may have actually broken down .......

bimbleuk - 15/1/11 at 09:10 AM

First for me was my own fault as I didn't connect the charging wire from the alternator as the ring connector slipped from view up the protective sleeve. Ran on the battery for a run up to Shakespeare County and back home so over a hundred miles and finally lost voltage 1/4 mile from home!

Secound was the secand hand fuel pump seizing after 6 years on the car so can't complaint too much about that one eaither. Was only initially fitted as a temp measure as I found it at the bottom of a discarded parts pile.

Third didn't actually stop me but I managed to flick the clutch cable off the arm at the bell housing. I didn't stop just in case it had actually broken. 20 miles through a couple of villages and a few round a bouts all stuck in fifth. Light cars are great for that!

[Edited on 15-1-11 by bimbleuk]

[Edited on 15-1-11 by bimbleuk]

plentywahalla - 15/1/11 at 09:38 AM

Early seventies (when beach buggies were cool!) girlfriend and I driving back from party in S London in my EPC Hustler when throttle cable snapped.

The great thing about B/B's is that you can get your GF to hang over the back and operate the throttle lever by hand! It got us home but it was a bit dangerous.

Firstly she couldn't hear my instructions clearly over the sound of two megaphone exhausts!

Secondly I was a bit distracted by the sight in my rear view mirror!! (god made real women in those days)

plentywahalla - 15/1/11 at 09:38 AM

Early seventies (when beach buggies were cool!) girlfriend and I driving back from party in S London in my EPC Hustler when throttle cable snapped.

The great thing about B/B's is that you can get your GF to hang over the back and operate the throttle lever by hand! It got us home but it was a bit dangerous.

Firstly she couldn't hear my instructions clearly over the sound of two megaphone exhausts!

Secondly I was a bit distracted by the sight in my rear view mirror!! (god made real women in those days)

sorry about the double post, the memory made my hands a bit shaky!

[Edited on 15/1/11 by plentywahalla]

brookie - 15/1/11 at 06:07 PM

the first one for me was when my clutch cable snaped about 20 yards from mk unit lol