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Viento Back on the road.. now Megajolted
DanP - 13/7/09 at 10:06 PM

Well having missed the heatwave of the summer because my Opus dizzy gave up, the car finally got back on the road yesterday. I managed to take it out for my first really long drive, 3 hours and 75 miles later I don't think i could have possibly been more relaxed, and all for the bargain price of about 17 quids worth of fuel (oh and the price of the megajolt setup but wasn't thinking about that!). I'm not sure there are many things that can compete with that for so much entertainment for so little money.

The car still needs a lot of dialing in; carb idle, accelerator pump, advance map, suspension and tracking etc but first impressions of the megajolt are pretty impressive, the opus system was so bad I had to really be careful with the accelerator not to make it misfire through the carb when putting my foot down. The edis and megajolt set up seems to work fairly well even on the default map, and all nastiness has gone away, there is still a little hesitation in a few places but I think that should tune out with time.

Installation wasn't too difficult just time consuming really, the worst bit was working out how on earth to mount the coils because each one feeds both cylinder banks. Eventually made up some brackets and mounted one at the front of each cylinder-head; there probably would have been more space at the back of the engine but having seen how flipping far a spark can jump I decided it was probably best to get them and the HT leads as far away as possible from the carb and fuel hoses!!

On the whole I'm pretty impressed with the whole system, 380 quid (inc vat and delivery) was a little painful, but it probably would've cost 100 just to get another dizzy just to get it back on the road and now I have a map to play with too, and have the hard rev limiter to fit at a later date.
I got the whole setup from trigger wheels, not their full V8 kit because I couldn't see how I could be certain that all of their brackets would fit my setup properly, I gave them a little bit of stick about their postage but they seem like a genuine company and I deffo can't fault the kit or service I recieved - they even put a few sweets in the packaging! Would def recommend them to anyone that wanted an MJ system.

Few piccies:
V8 Megajolt Installation 1
V8 Megajolt Installation 1

V8 Megajolt Installation 2
V8 Megajolt Installation 2

Finally back on the road :
V8 Megajolt Installation 4
V8 Megajolt Installation 4

omega0684 - 13/7/09 at 10:10 PM

who's exhaust primaries is that, it looks very much like the DAX system or is it from viento's people?

glan to hear your a road going beaver again!

[Edited on 13/7/09 by omega0684]

DanP - 13/7/09 at 10:16 PM

I made it and designed it based on the Dax style (which is actually pretty good for getting the primary lengths close) and some online calculators for the primary lengths.

Deffo glad to be a road going beaver again!

Paul (Notts) - 13/7/09 at 10:32 PM

Glad to hear your happy with the megajolt. I switched over to it last year and am very impressed compared to the dizzy.

Yours looks a neater installation than mine-

I use the rev controlled outputs to switch a series of leds on my steering column to act as a shift light.

If you develop a good map then I would always like a copy

My map is just guess work but runs well.


Paul (Notts) - 13/7/09 at 10:35 PM

what carb are you running

your filter is way to restrictive.

I now have a 3 inch 14ch diameter filter.

anything smaller results in a starved engine...

DanP - 13/7/09 at 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Paul (Notts)

Yours looks a neater installation than mine-

I use the rev controlled outputs to switch a series of leds on my steering column to act as a shift light.


Haha possibly not, i left out a couple of photos due to shame

I think I'm going to do something similar because my RPM counter is digital and its just too hard to read with a quick glance whilst trying to keep eyes on the road.

Originally posted by Paul (Notts)
what carb are you running

your filter is way to restrictive.

I now have a 3 inch 14ch diameter filter.

anything smaller results in a starved engine...

Its a weber 500, I used to have an edelbrock pro-flow foam filter on there but Paul at mentioned he'd heard of at least one bonnet catching fire becase of them kicking out petrol fumes into the GRP. Do you reckon that filter is too small then? I wonder if that is part of the hesitation, I'll give it a try with the old filter for a few miles and see how it feels. Thanks!

Browser - 14/7/09 at 04:43 PM

I didn't want to jump in, but if you look at pics of similar installations on other websites you'll see that the filters are far larger in diameter than yours. Might be nowt, but it might contribute to poor running at higher revs/engine loads when the throttle is wide open.