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Clutch pedal setup?
Northy - 13/2/04 at 06:26 PM

Have people using the Luego floor mounted pedal box fitted the nylon insert thing and spring refered to in the build manual? (Photo below).

If so where did you get the nylon dodab? I'm sure I'll be able to find a spring, but can't find anything nylon that will fit. Rescued attachment Image1.jpg
Rescued attachment Image1.jpg

ChrisW - 14/2/04 at 12:09 AM

I've just drilled through and used a Cortina cable and a 'Conrod engineering' bolt to stop the pedal coming forward. No sign of a nylon thing.

Can get a photo if you like?


Northy - 14/2/04 at 09:03 AM

Please Chris if you don't mind

Anyone else out there fitted their clutch pedal yet?


Gazza - 15/2/04 at 01:42 PM

I managed to talk nicely to a local engineer who provided me with a length of hollow nylon rod - all I had to do was cut it to length and then cut it down its length to enable me to fit the cable in it.

Works a treat and stops the cable rubbing on the chassis....