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Getting rid of plundered donors
blueshift - 8/8/03 at 08:20 PM

who can tell me roughly how much it costs to have someone come and drag away your donor once you've ripped lots of bits off it? We might end up with three donors, one of them rolling, the other two missing some rather important rolling parts (front uprights on the cortina, rear end on the sierra).

chrisg - 8/8/03 at 08:41 PM

I had a very smelly Granada towed away for a tenner.

Look to see if you have a local "Recycling Project" that's who took mine, although christ knows what they would have recycled that into!!!



carcentric - 8/8/03 at 08:43 PM

When you're down to bent, rusty sheet metal and stuff you can't sell on eBay, it's time to bring out the Sawzall (reciprocating hacksaw) and turn the car into scrap metal. If you're flush with cash, a plasma cutter works even faster, and makes smoke and fire while doing it!

Said scrap metal may be sold, or it makes dandy bits for welding practice. If nobody is willing to pay for it, find a metal sculptor - or whole college of 'em - and make a gift.

I saved an old car hood (bonnet) for making flat fiberglass sheets on, and the Porsche 914 trunk (boot) lid from my former race car is now an awning over the entrance door to my shop. We also have an end table whose base is a transaxle case (emptied out).

stephen_gusterson - 8/8/03 at 10:06 PM

a scrappy with a flat bed truck and crane will take it. cost me 50 thou, but he said i could fill it full of crap like a skip! I recon cutting up a car would be a bit messy and you still have over half a ton of crap to take away in bits!

loads of people do it tho...



Stu16v - 9/8/03 at 12:33 AM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
cost me 50 thou

Blimey! Next time you have scrap you want collecting, I'll do it for 40,000.....

Ian Pearson - 9/8/03 at 09:25 AM

Cost me £50.00, but it would probably be more now since the change in legislation.

JoelP - 9/8/03 at 11:17 AM

i only paid 20 for mine the other day! i did wonder why it was so cheap... a place in buslingthorpe if anyones in Leeds!

theconrodkid - 9/8/03 at 12:30 PM

try your local council,round here they have so many dumped they take them for nowt,or tow it to a local street and burn it like everyone else

ChrisW - 9/8/03 at 12:30 PM

I pay £20 to the chap who takes the untaxed cars away for the council. Cash only mind!


blueshift - 9/8/03 at 01:00 PM

20 is about what I was guessing. cheers fellas.

so, if we end up with 3 car shells, that's £60 worth of excuse to buy an oxyacetylene torch.. eeexcellent

mranlet - 11/8/03 at 06:55 PM

cut it up into little pieces and filch it into the rubbish or garbage pickup

Or, cut it up into strangely shaped pieces, weld together and sell it on eBay as "art"... I saw a rusted scrap metal "sculpture" sell for $40,000 a week or so ago. It helps if you call it something like "wasteful creation", " or "byproduct of genius"

It's worth a shot, if onbody buys it, then have it taken away


DaveFJ - 13/8/03 at 08:09 AM

Paid £20 to have my stipped shell removed - local scrappy in Ipswich. (Whip street - if anyones local)

Sparky - 13/8/03 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by mranlet
cut it up into little pieces and filch it into the rubbish or garbage pickup

Once turfed an engineless but otherwise complete mini into the local dustcart!

Of course it helped that;

(1) I knew the driver, and
(2) He wasn't too concerned about 'job security'!

Gonna have to ring round the local breakers this time though.

I've kept my dead Sierra rolling by welding reversed wheels onto a shortened scaffold pole and passing it all through the trailing arms. I've gotta get it to the other end of a 70 foot gravel drive somehow!! Rescued attachment Sierra back on its wheels!.JPG
Rescued attachment Sierra back on its wheels!.JPG

JoelP - 13/8/03 at 10:33 PM

My 4x4 dragged a sierra with no wheels no probs. Really easy to get it out. Maybe a bit tricky on gravel though if it sinks!

Sparky - 13/8/03 at 10:54 PM

Joel, the tricky part would be calming down the missus if the driveway looked like a re-enactment of the Normandy landings had taken place!!

If left on the ground, I guess the trailing arms on the Sierra would become a pretty effective earth-moving device, and there would be more gravel in the last five feet than anywhere else!! A proper gravel pit!

Oh, and that's if I could get any traction at all with the tow car!!

By the way, forgot to mention I've since slapped hub caps on the welded wheels, and think I may get away with calling it complete!!

What do you think?

ned - 14/8/03 at 08:31 AM

would have cost £35 for one car or £60 for two (parents had an old banger sitting around to get rid of) local scrappy out of yellow pages...

had to drag it out of the drive on the winch though and use the jack handle to help it up the ramps (no crane on lorry!)


JoelP - 14/8/03 at 12:33 PM

does it have front wheels? that may be a bit of a giveaway!

Either 4 lads carrying the front or do another bodge with a wheel! Maybe one of those towing dolly that lifts the front up?

blueshift - 14/8/03 at 12:45 PM

if you had a few logs kicking around you might be able to get medieval on its ass: roll it out on a bed of logs.

almost certainly a silly idea, but if someone did have ten 6' lengths of telegraph pole sitting around and a reasonably flat underbody, I'd love to see pictures of it done

tr - 14/8/03 at 09:10 PM

I cut mine up into bite size chunks and dumped them down the local tip. It gave me the opportunity to drive about in the first open engined, convertible sierra.

I got bored towards the end though, I had the bulkhead and front wings to remove, so I pushed them into a van and took it to the scrap yard. The scrappy hadn't laughed so hard in years when we rolled up, he thought we were real live mentalists.

You're youth has been miss-spent if you don't cut the roof off a sierra.

blueshift - 15/8/03 at 05:10 AM

Heh, nice photos.

I'm still trying to decide whether to buy an oxyacetylene torch and slice the cars up myself. we will potentially have three (cortina, sierra, rover).

Go on, someone tell me it's a good idea.

DaveFJ - 15/8/03 at 08:03 AM

Once mine was stripped I found that four of us could easily carry the chassis complete out of the garage and place it on bricks at the end of my drive awaiting the scrappie's lorry....
(could probably have got away with two of us but at the risk of injury....)

eddie - 15/8/03 at 11:06 PM

Remember some of those bits have a value to someone, Headlights and other lenses, bumpers, undamaged wings, doors, bonnet, boot lid and any other complete parts can probably be sold to someone as a job lot, even if you only got 30 quid, its some other nice thing to put on your car anyone thought of auto jumbling them...

Personally i'm going to borrow the still saw from work and drop many small peices of metal off at the local recycling point.....

Gremlin - 16/9/03 at 09:56 PM

I know someone who had a little bit of land a small digger and a bit to much time on there hands and buried one in one of there fields!

Not sure how long that will be there for?

[Edited on 16/9/03 by Gremlin]

JoelP - 16/9/03 at 10:27 PM

Well thats certainly one option...!

Remember that chap who ate a light aircraft over several years, and many light bulbs whilst he was at it...

blueshift - 17/9/03 at 03:22 AM

I don't think eating or burial are particularly feasible options for us. don't fancy eating power steering fluid anyway.

Fortunately st albans council have a nice man with a crane who takes away cars for £23 so our worries are over (and my excuse to get an oxy torch.. bah)

DaveFJ - 17/9/03 at 07:48 AM

Check with the local council, if you live in an officialy designated 'deprived area' the council will take away scrap cars for free!!

Just found this out because the boundary of just such an area runs down the centre of my road.... no guessing which side of it I am!!! (they also pay lower council tax and avoid stamp duty on 'the other side of the road' )

[Edited on 17/9/03 by protofj]

JoelP - 17/9/03 at 11:03 AM

Thats a wee take! How can one side of the road be that much better than the other?!

Why not give it to a neighbour on t'other side?

DaveFJ - 17/9/03 at 11:25 AM

I suppose they have to put a boudary somewhere but the biggest 'wee take' is that the average house price on my road is £150,000 - hmm very deprived

Unfortunately I only found out about this last week and got rid of my donor ages ago... but next time

Mark H - 19/9/03 at 04:40 PM


I'm still trying to decide whether to buy an oxyacetylene torch and slice the cars up myself. we will potentially have three (cortina, sierra, rover).

I know youve sorted it out now, but I bought a rather large angle grinder and spent many an hour (and many a disc) cutting up my sierra to save the £40 charge in my town.

It cost £40 this grinder, but buying tools aren't part of the build cost are they?

Anyway, cut the thign up, trailered it to the local tip. The gents there wouldn't take it coz they don't take cars. I explained it wasn't a car, but scrap metal, which you do take. Once the larger bloke came over, I packed up and shipped out.

To cut a long story short, cost me £40 to get it taken away, and i had to handball the thing into the flat bed. AArrgh!

No wonder people dump the things.

As a matter of interest I work for the National Grid, and our substations are always moving scrap cars, washing machines etc. Just a cost which gets transferred to their customers the distributors and therefore us via our bills. They dont bother with the police. And always down dark (private) roads. Hmm.