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Sierra parts - worth keeping?
mrbeacham - 17/9/06 at 06:42 PM

I'm about to start stripping the bits I need from a 1.6 L Sierra (1990, Pinto engine). I need the gearbox, diff, driveshafts, rear brakes and hubs and steering column only.

Are there any other bits which would be worth taking off which would be worth anything at all to anyone else? (e.g. engine, front hubs + brakes, prop shaft). Or should I just scrap everything. What do you think?



Guinness - 17/9/06 at 06:51 PM

I had a pinto sierra to start with. Stripped everything down, partly cause i didn't know whether to go car engined or bike engined (don't tell hellfire), partly because it was educational (seeing how things come apart helps you visualise how they go back together) and partly to sell the rest on ebay!

I bought a Sapphire for £75, had £15 of fuel in the tank (even though the gauge was reading empty), £25 of tax left on it, sold the gearbox for £25, got a case of beer for the engine, sold the lights for £17, kept, re-used or scrapped the rest.

Anyway add these to the list:-

the steering wheel (for sva), shroud thingy, stalks, handbrake, all the fuses out the box, all the relays you can find (inc the flasher one above the column but behind the clocks), the bulbs out of the lamps, any nuts, bolts etc that aren't rusted up.

Oh yeah, and because I'm tight / skint, I'm still running round on the donor alloys!




[Edited on 17/9/06 by Guinness]

ReMan - 17/9/06 at 06:53 PM

front hubs and brakes, prop, handbrake,wheels,

Guinness - 17/9/06 at 06:54 PM

Forgot to add, the vin plate (for age related plate come registration time)!


Humbug - 17/9/06 at 07:14 PM

Depends how locost you want to go, but what about:

door edge trim (for sharp edges here and there)

rubber gaiter thingies on wiring in doors/tailgate (useful for steering rod covers, etc.)

side repeaters (maybe)

parcel shelf - could maybe cut up to put under your dash and cover up wiring, etc.

seat runners (not sure, but may work if you adapt them)


rubber grommets, etc.

carpet if it's not absolutely shot - maybe for trimming rear panel behind seats?

jack - can be useful to have a small one around even if you don't carry it in the seven

battery holder (not sure what they are like in a Sierra or even if there is a separate one)

bonnet/boot release catches and cables - may be usable for a boot lid

Not sure if they are separate items on a Sierra, but I took the glove box and ashtrays off a Metro for storage - glove box upright behind the seat (depends on how far back you need the seat) and one of the ashtrays inside my boot box to keep earplugs in.

Happy scavenging!

StevieB - 17/9/06 at 07:16 PM

Steering rack as well - basically, anything that forms the running gear of the car will be worth something to someone.

The same goes for the rest of the car as well, but it's probably not worth your time in bothering.

mrbeacham - 17/9/06 at 08:16 PM

I only need the items I listed, as I'm building a Striker kit, but wondered if there would be demand for any of the other bits from others


DaveFJ - 18/9/06 at 07:50 AM

keep anything you can find the room to store..

I have found uses for central locking motors, remote releases for the rear seat backs. I even re-used small bit of the chassis with the 2 studs to locate the steering column! basically if you can take it off and have room to store it then do!