posted on 18/7/07 at 05:22 PM |
paddle gear change
When using paddle gear change, am I right in thinking you have to remove the switches from the sierra column and use normal switches mounted in the
dash. If so does the ignition switch get removed aswell and what alternatives are there. Also how do you get on with the steering lock as this is one
of the anti theft devices for SVA isn't it?
What solutions have you used. (any pics would be good)
posted on 18/7/07 at 05:25 PM |
take a look in my archive at my r1 car stu
theres one that shows the paddles
basically you have an ign barrel somewhere else and a battery cut of switch
I made a clamp and used a quick release kit from Rally deisgn
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posted on 18/7/07 at 05:27 PM |
![](/galpreviews/2pic2.jpg) ![Description](/gallery/2pic2.jpg) Description
switches went all round the R1 clocks
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posted on 18/7/07 at 05:30 PM |
The Dax paddle shift enables all the Sierra switchgear and ignition barrel to be retained. There may also be others out there too.......
posted on 18/7/07 at 07:06 PM |
Got rid of the Sierra lock and had a new bearing carrier made up and grub screwed it to the column tube.
I'll have ignition key on the dash and a separate electronic immobiliser to satisfy SVA plus a battery cut off.
[Edited on 18/7/07 by adithorp]