posted on 2/7/06 at 09:16 PM |
BEC Engine Maps
Hi All
I've been searching for an engine map (ignition only for now) for my R1 for a while to run on my Emerald ECU. I eventually scrounged one fro a
Kawasaki 1100 running on a DTA ECU.
I've copied this across to the Emerald software but the ignition advance figures seem extrremely high!
Enclosed si the DTA map and shows figures of over 60 degrees BTDC - surely this can't be right?
Any help would be much appreciated as I want to get it running this week as I'm hoping to compete in less than 3 weeks!
![](/galpreviews/a397454-dtaKwakMap.JPG) ![Rescued attachment dtaKwakMap.JPG](/gallery/a397454-dtaKwakMap.JPG) Rescued attachment dtaKwakMap.JPG
Nick Skidmore
posted on 3/7/06 at 07:46 AM |
My map in the MBE system on the car I just sold had a Dyno proven map that took hours and hours to do.
The max advance was about 42 deg in the sites of 3/4 max rpm and 3/4 throttle (TPS 10 to 13) and was significantly less in all the others (20 deg
Not saying either is right or wrong just indicating my values
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mark chandler
posted on 3/7/06 at 12:02 PM |
A really good engine will get as far as 38 degree's advanced before pinking under full load, those numbers look like its not nailing TDC but
starting 20 degrees after !!!
I would have thought those figures would blow your engine up.
posted on 3/7/06 at 09:36 PM |
Thanks guys
I realised as soon as I looked closely that the Map was way off - I'll continue the hunt! All I need is something to get it running so that I
can get it all checked out before the rolling road.
posted on 7/7/06 at 07:10 AM |
Emerald are sending me a map today so, hopefully, I should be able to get it running soon and able to get it on the rolling road - fingers crossed!