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Zetec Engine and ECU How are they compatible ?
Scoobythedog - 14/7/09 at 10:36 PM

I've got a 2 litre Zetec engine, originally from a 2001 mondeo, I'm pretty sure the cylinder head gasket or head is gone,

It seems easier to just by a new engine and swap it, rather than fix it. How do I now which engine will be compatible with my current ECU (which is standard ford)

Is there an easy way to find out before I buy the engine ?


austin man - 14/7/09 at 10:49 PM

dont thik you will have any problems with the ECU I think this is only problematic if you dont have the coded ignition key. Obviously go for a black top if thats what youve got not a silvertop are ou running the blacktop

big_wasa - 15/7/09 at 04:01 PM

As long as its the same type of engine it will be fine.