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spiked drink
NS Dev - 25/9/05 at 10:03 PM

anybody else on here had their drink spiked with something dubious in the past.

I ask because I am fairly sure that it happened to me on Fri night out in Leicester.

I was with several people that I know well so nothing serious became of it but I have a total blank of around 10 hours. Though I did drink a reasonable amount of alcohol there is no way that it could have caused those results!!!

I also felt totally "out of it" for much of Saturday, with a complete inability to concentrate on anything at all, and kept getting pins and needles all the time. Talking to somebody "in the know" it seems these are the effects of GHB. I also discovered that despite having a total blank in my memory I had succeeded in doing the washing up when I came home and had evidently been reading as well!

It is scary to think what could have happened in different circumstances!

(oh yes, I am ready for the amusement and P155 taking that will no doubt follow now!)

[Edited on 25/9/05 by NS Dev]

JoelP - 25/9/05 at 10:06 PM

indeed. Some lustful blonde might have taken advantage of you!

My girlfriend had the same suspicions a while ago, we put it down to the champagne though

liam.mccaffrey - 25/9/05 at 10:20 PM

i have had the same happen, which at the time i attributed to "a bad pint" but in hindsight it seems that all was not well.

symptoms included confusion long blackout and 3 or 4 days of weird feeling alert but of slow mind. i know it sounds stupid but its the best way to describe it

OX - 25/9/05 at 10:31 PM

lol yea it could of been a tasty blonde orrrr it could of been one of you mates that had his way .
iv had my drinked spiked a few times whilst out clubbing by m8s but only e's and in my clubbing days that only saved me money but with something like date rape i'd be a little pi55ed off.
glad you got home with out anything bad happening to you or did it! hehe i would try and never think about it again just incase you remember something that could mentaly scar you

NS Dev - 25/9/05 at 10:32 PM

the confusion was what really got me!

I have been blind drunk enough times to know the effects on me, and this was very different.

As you say, I still don't feel absolutely 100% now, but Saturday lunch time was a nightmare. I started walking downstairs, then the next minute realised that I had done 3 laps around the living room table!!!

Also, no matter how drunk the night before, I NEVER wake up after 9 am, and only once or twice after 8 am, even with only an hour or two's sleep, yet on Sat I woke up at 11:30!!!!!!!!

steve_gus - 25/9/05 at 10:33 PM

seems like the kind of excuse one might prepare if a friend of your other half's caught you in a compromising position.

hope you are feeling better now



NS Dev - 25/9/05 at 10:36 PM

Originally posted by OX
lol yea it could of been a tasty blonde orrrr it could of been one of you mates that had his way .
iv had my drinked spiked a few times whilst out clubbing by m8s but only e's and in my clubbing days that only saved me money but with something like date rape i'd be a little pi55ed off.
glad you got home with out anything bad happening to you or did it! hehe i would try and never think about it again just incase you remember something that could mentaly scar you

cheeky *******

My brother and his girlfriend were with me until the last couple of miles in the taxi. It's from them that I found out what had happened! Apparently I was wandering around McDonalds appraising their furnishings at one point!

[Edited on 25/9/05 by NS Dev]

suparuss - 26/9/05 at 05:45 AM

maybe you are just getting old!

Rorty - 26/9/05 at 06:21 AM

Originally posted by NS Dev
anybody else on here had their drink spiked with something dubious in the past.

I ask because I am fairly sure that it happened to me on Fri night out in Leicester.

I was with several people that I know well so nothing serious became of it but I have a total blank of around 10 hours. Though I did drink a reasonable amount of alcohol there is no way that it could have caused those results!!!

I also felt totally "out of it" for much of Saturday, with a complete inability to concentrate on anything at all, and kept getting pins and needles all the time. Talking to somebody "in the know" it seems these are the effects of GHB. I also discovered that despite having a total blank in my memory I had succeeded in doing the washing up when I came home and had evidently been reading as well!

Does your bum hurt?

NS Dev - 26/9/05 at 07:21 AM

trust you to be "to the point"

NO IT BLOODY DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Might just be getting old (which I am!) but nobody that was with me has seen me like that before, and they have seen me in all sorts of messes!!!!!

Peteff - 26/9/05 at 08:22 AM

It's all downhill from here. Cleaning fluid in the beer lines is my excuse

dave1888 - 26/9/05 at 09:51 AM

I've been spiked with sleeping tablets by a broken nosed friend, And have twice had a bad pint (honest)

NS Dev - 26/9/05 at 10:01 AM

what effect does the bad pint have?

I have heard mention of this but with me they just tend to make me ill!

My brother wondered about a dodgy pint, but I only had one pint in the whole evening.

I certainly wasn't "ill" either, just on a different planet for half a day!

Russ-Turner - 26/9/05 at 10:44 AM

He-he... works every time... "bad beer love"

Hellfire - 26/9/05 at 11:29 AM

Have you been on a course of antibiotics recently?

The reason I ask is cos I had an experience very similar to yours a few years ago. The only thing I could put it down to, was having recently finished taking a course of antibiotics and then having a few drinks.

ethomas - 26/9/05 at 11:47 AM

It has never happened to me, but several of my friends have had it.

Their symptoms were much like yours. Nasty business if you ask me!

NS Dev - 26/9/05 at 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Have you been on a course of antibiotics recently?

The reason I ask is cos I had an experience very similar to yours a few years ago. The only thing I could put it down to, was having recently finished taking a course of antibiotics and then having a few drinks.

no, no medication at all

Messenjah - 26/9/05 at 08:03 PM

the dont drink when your on anti biotics is not because something like this could happen its because it will nullify the effect of that days anti biotics thus making taking them pointless ....

it wouldnt cause anything like that

one of my friends had a similar thing happen to him on holiday in xanti or however you spell it he came too 12 hours after he was lasty seen by the people he was on holiday with stark bollock naked his money and fone gone and about 60 miles from where he had been .... he was really shaken up about it which is why you should never accept a drink from someone else ....

Rorty - 26/9/05 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Messenjah
one of my friends had a similar thing happen to him on holiday in xanti or however you spell it he came too 12 hours after he was lasty seen by the people he was on holiday with stark bollock naked his money and fone gone and about 60 miles from where he had been ....

I bet his bum hurt big time!

SixedUp - 26/9/05 at 09:54 PM

Rorty, you seem to have a "bum fixation" ...

OX - 26/9/05 at 10:19 PM

i can smell a cover-up ,your friends need to be interrogated

andkilde - 26/9/05 at 11:30 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
I also discovered that despite having a total blank in my memory I had succeeded in doing the washing up when I came home...
[Edited on 25/9/05 by NS Dev]

Well then, given this one glaring fact I'd have to point the finger of blame at your wife .

Cheers, Ted

NS Dev - 27/9/05 at 08:47 AM

I'd buy that one if I was married! Single though so no!!!

Rorty - 27/9/05 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by NS Dev
I'd buy that one if I was married! Single though so no!!!

I bet your bum has hurt more than once!

Peteff - 27/9/05 at 09:51 AM

Like the kid who went for a job at the local pharmacy and the gay lab assistant told him he had to identify 3 clear liquids to get the job. First one he sniffs and tastes and identifies as water. Second one is ammonia and he gets that just by sniffing. Third one the assistant slips some ether into a test tube and passes it to him. He takes a deep sniff and is out like a light so the assistant flips him over and has his way with him. When he comes round he asks what the last one was. The assistant replies "Ether,why do you ask?" He says, " So I'll know not to sniff so deep next time, it doesn't half make your a&se sore".

NS Dev - 27/9/05 at 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Rorty
Originally posted by NS Dev
I'd buy that one if I was married! Single though so no!!!

I bet your bum has hurt more than once!

cheeky bastards!!!!!!!!!

Not the sort of thing I'm into I'm afraid!

derf - 27/9/05 at 12:27 PM

I think that you need to read this...

NS Dev - 27/9/05 at 12:28 PM

not while I'm on my work PC I don't!

tony9876 - 27/9/05 at 07:05 PM

Ok heres a dilemna, You go out for a couple of pints with a person you vaguely know.You get pissed and 4 hours later you wake up feeling like you have been drugged with a used condom next to you and a sore arse.
Do you go to the police or just say nothing?

MikeR - 27/9/05 at 08:25 PM

hmmm, NS Dev what did you do ?

I think this is where i duck and run for cover as that Carb in your boot comes flying my way.

Rorty - 27/9/05 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by tony9876
Ok heres a dilemna, You go out for a couple of pints with a person you vaguely know.You get pissed and 4 hours later you wake up feeling like you have been drugged with a used condom next to you and a sore arse.
Do you go to the police or just say nothing?

You get on a kit car forum and give the basic outline of your ordeal for a bit of sympathy without revealing all the sordid details.

NS Dev - 28/9/05 at 07:35 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
hmmm, NS Dev what did you do ?

I think this is where i duck and run for cover as that Carb in your boot comes flying my way.

I didn't do anything Mike, apart from lose 11 hours or so!!!

None of the crap that folks are rattling on about on here happened, as apart from the last 4 miles of taxi journey, my bro and his girlfriend were with me.

andkilde - 28/9/05 at 01:32 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
None of the crap that folks are rattling on about on here happened, as apart from the last 4 miles of taxi journey, my bro and his girlfriend were with me.

Girlfriend you say?

Ooh, err, what's she like then? Is she a goer?

Brooky - 28/9/05 at 03:24 PM

NSDEV are you sure you had your drink spiked ?
How many of these questions can you answer ?

tony9876 - 28/9/05 at 06:47 PM

Hmmm no answers to my dilemna then!!!

NS Dev - 30/9/05 at 10:02 AM

No, I'd be worried!

NS Dev - 30/9/05 at 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Brooky
NSDEV are you sure you had your drink spiked ?
How many of these questions can you answer ?

.......................maybe what I assumed was a taxi that brought me home was actually something else entirely.................