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Newish Blackberry?
McLannahan - 8/8/10 at 10:03 PM

Anyone got one that they want to sell?

Have looked on Ebay and going for silly money. I recently upgraded my own contract phone and went away from BB. Really regret it so want to go back to BB and sell my Xperia X10!

Ideally looking for a model within the last 12 months or so?

Here's hoping! Thanks all


anup - 9/8/10 at 11:47 AM

I have a new unused Blackberry 8800

Slightly older model, but I am not after much for it.

Locked to O2, but can easily be unlocked and unbranded

Let me know if you are interested

McLannahan - 9/8/10 at 04:40 PM

U2 sent - many thanks Anup.

Anyone have any other BB's?

McLannahan - 10/8/10 at 03:03 PM


Thanks all


McLannahan - 22/11/10 at 07:45 PM

Bumpy bumpo

Anyone got a newer Blackberry they want to sell at a reasonable price?

Thanks all

McLannahan - 8/12/10 at 08:49 PM

And a pre Chrimbo bump! Anyone got anything please?

Really not got much money but would love to treat myself to something for Chrimbo!

Thanks guys

McLannahan - 23/12/10 at 10:43 PM

Another bump for Christmas Eve, Eve!

My BB is turning itself off now (nice feature) and rollerball is poorly too!

Would love a newer BB. 8900 or better would be perfect!

Thanks all

McLannahan - 11/1/11 at 08:19 PM

And a futher bump! Anyone got a newish Blackberry wanting to shift?

Thanks all


McLannahan - 27/1/11 at 09:55 PM

Bumpity bump bump bump bump.....