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Requirements when buying a private used car?
Calzonii - 28/6/15 at 08:40 PM

Hi All,

I am going to be buying a car as a run around in the next few weeks. I live in Northern Ireland and I am planning on flying to england and buying the car then takeing it home on the ferry.

Can anyone advise what I will need to do in order to purchase this car and use it. How do I actually gain ownership of the vehicle from a private seller? And what legal requirements will I need to drive the car and own it?

So far I have.

V5C form needs updated?
Do i need to tax a car now or can I still use the tax paid for by the previous owner?
Insurance? Get insured before I buy the car?
Get a receipt from the owner as proof of purchase?
Have I missed anything?



Calzonii - 28/6/15 at 08:45 PM

I'm also thinking id need to check MOT status documents?

mark chandler - 28/6/15 at 08:47 PM

Make sure they own it!

HPI check, not the end of the world if it has finance on it just agree to settle this and pay the difference to the seller.
Not sure about road tax these days, I believe you have to tax it yourself on the day now so wait until next month!

Calzonii - 28/6/15 at 08:57 PM

Does HPI check tell you if the own it? And what document proves proof of ownership? Do i have to register the vehicle with the DVLA?

mark chandler - 28/6/15 at 09:38 PM

HPI will tell you if a loan is secured on it, it's not unknown for the owner not to even know this if they did not check !

Proof of ownership, receipt from who they bought it from, expect the v5 to be correct and a cup of tea in the house it's registered at.

Car parks, mutually agreed locations.... Forget all that you want to be at the house of the owner as per the v5