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Drove my BEC for the first time
phil_far - 25/6/07 at 08:18 AM

Last Saturday I dorve my Blade powered locost for the first time after 6 years..yes I know it took me forever and still have to fit the body.

I was surprised how easy it was to take off from first gear and went up the ramp of my garage (basement) on the frist attempt without stalling it once. All the information you gave me about clutch/throttel set up paid their dividends.

I was impressed with how light and responsive the car is and any moveemnt at the back you coudl just feel and sense it. It felt like a rocket waiting to be fired whenever the throttle pedal is pressed even though I used only upto 7K out of teh 12K provided

Just wanted to thankyou for your support throughout..

Next in line is the body/lighting so I can go out and trash it...well better take it easy first.. Rescued attachment P4020061.JPG
Rescued attachment P4020061.JPG

phil_far - 25/6/07 at 08:20 AM

More photos

phil_far - 25/6/07 at 08:21 AM

Sorry forgot the attachement Rescued attachment P4020059.JPG
Rescued attachment P4020059.JPG

Hellfire - 25/6/07 at 08:22 AM


Interesting header tank, where is that from?


[Edited on 25-6-07 by Hellfire]

Wadders - 25/6/07 at 09:53 AM

Hope thats a typo, and you meant to say Thrash it!
Looking good btw.


Originally posted by phil_far

Next in line is the body/lighting so I can go out and trash it...

ChrisGamlin - 25/6/07 at 10:21 AM

Nice one Phil, if you dont mind me asking what make and how much was you fuel tank? How big is it?



phil_far - 25/6/07 at 11:03 AM

Info required:

Steve: Header Tank is from A Fiat Punto I believe although with the new setup is just an expansion tank

Chris: Fuel tank came from e-bay, its plastic and has an 8-gallon capacity. If you want the exact dimensions I can get them easily. I paid around $70 if I recall correctly. There is always a handful for sale but Chris Fiaccione sorted out everything for me! Good guy!

Al: Yes I meant Thrash it!!

clutch_kick - 25/6/07 at 03:45 PM

oooohhhhhh!!! I'm sooooo bloody jealous!!! Your attention to detail and cleanliness is just amazing Phil.

I really have to find some time to pop over and take a look. Just enough to get me into a worse state of mental breakdown. The house has priority over the car

[Edited on 25/6/07 by clutch_kick]

ChrisGamlin - 25/6/07 at 05:56 PM

Hi Phil

Yep if you could get some dimensions etc for me that would be great, and also a link / manufacturer name etc possibly as a quick search on ebay hasnt revealed anything?

Does it have a swirl pot or does it just pick up through the side of the tank? Also is it baffled do you know?



phil_far - 27/6/07 at 05:14 PM

The fuel cell was bought from this site: ( There rae teh dimensions/capacities.

Fuel pick up is from the side and you need to drill all the holes. There are no baffle plates and mine is filled with foam which act both as a bafflle and a giant filter! I bought mine from Rally Design.


chrisf - 27/6/07 at 05:24 PM

Hi Chris:

I'm using a similar tank--only smaller. Like Philip, I stuffed mine with fuel cell foam to act as a baffle and try to limit an explosion in the case of a rear impact.

These might not work for you because your car is injected. The alloy tanks available to you UK boys seem cheap enough. Well much cheaper than the prices I got over here. Philips tank cost $70 or so, plus another $70 to post it.

--HTH, Chris