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Busa oil capacity
iiyama - 21/11/06 at 09:40 PM

As Topic really. Need to know the capacity of a dry sump tank for a Hayabusa.


DIY Si - 21/11/06 at 09:42 PM

Depends how big the tanks is you've ordered! Or do you need to know the size of a standard sump so you can order a tank?

iiyama - 21/11/06 at 09:43 PM


Im a bit green here, but I guess the tank will be the same capacity as the sump?

In which case whats the capacity??

[Edited on 21/11/06 by iiyama]

DIY Si - 21/11/06 at 10:15 PM

Absolutely no idea! Just thought it'd help the others!

DIY Si - 21/11/06 at 10:26 PM

Google says, wet sump capacity of 3.5l. I'd go over this for a dry sump tank though, to maybe 4.5 to be on the safe side. It can't hurt to have a bigger reservoir of oil.

rjbrookes - 22/11/06 at 12:57 AM

my zx12 is not far off 6-7 litres (i think) i have to buy 2 4 litre oil cans ......cant remeber the size of the tank, but its not small...


iiyama - 22/11/06 at 07:22 AM

5L be big enough then ya reckon??

G.Man - 22/11/06 at 07:51 AM

No I reckon more...

bank on 6-7 litres..

ChrisGamlin - 22/11/06 at 05:59 PM

Agreed, you want 6-7L in there overall I reckon, pretty sure that's what my mate's dry sump Busa has.

iiyama - 22/11/06 at 07:02 PM

K Guys, thanks for the info. Ill go for a 7L tank then.

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 03:10 PM

Just to ressurect this.....

Have confirmed that the Busa's oil capacity is 3.5L. Obviously there will be oil in the line that feeds the pump, the pump itself and in the billet sump. So if I have a 5l tank would I be correct to assume at least 1 litre in the rest of the system?

Space is a little limited hence the question! The 5 litre tank is 6" in diameter, the 7L tank is 8 1/4", although both are the same height.

The Pace site says that there 5" tank is ideal for BECs, although that only holds 3.12L of oil


G.Man - 31/1/07 at 03:18 PM

Ignore the BUSA's oil capacity, as you no longer have the BUSA sump... The billet sump will hold about 1l at any one time...

The oil should come to just above the seperator in the tank with the oil lines and oil cooler full of oil...

Fill the tank above the seperator about an inch, spin the engine without plugs and keep topping up to that same level until oil spits back into the tank from the return line..

A 5l tank will only have 2.5-3l of oil in it the rest depends on your hose lengths and oil cooler capacity..

Think I have the 7l tank on mine...

Total oil is about 6l

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 03:21 PM

SO they give the total capacity of the tank, not the oil capacity then?

G.Man - 31/1/07 at 03:34 PM

work it out...

(Diameter of the tank in cm/2) squared x pi x length of tank is the capacity in CC's

For a 10 inch tank length thats about 3.5 ltrs on the 5 inch diameter tank...

That may be the useable capacity or the total, I dunno how long your tank is

Having just looked at Pace's site, I would say the tank is quoted by its useable capacity..

The 5 inch looks about right half full, 3.142 litres.

And I think mine is the 5L but cant say for sure...

[Edited on 31/1/07 by G.Man]

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 03:40 PM

So if they recommend the 3.12L for BECs, Why go for one holding twice the capacity?

Not questioning your answers as such, I just need to get it straight in my own mind! I like to know the hows, and the whys and the wherefors!!!

G.Man - 31/1/07 at 03:47 PM

Because the value of protecting against oil loss outweighs the weight penalty..

And my pace tank initially leaked :eek:

More oil means slightly longer duration between changes as well...

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 03:48 PM

Fair enough!!!

bike_power - 31/1/07 at 08:56 PM

I would talk to Karl at Extreme Engines, to some degree the design of the tank is more important than the size of it.

The only time the size will be critical is when you know how much oil the engine will hold on a long, fast corner- you can find that the oil stays up in the engine rather than dropping down to the sump where it can return to the tank. Every engine will be different and the tank needs to hold sufficient to cope with this. This can easily be 3 or 4 litres or more.

You need to know what's worked already, fitting an over large tank will cost you money in oil and take up valuable space in the car as well as adding weight, weight that you (like me !) have probably spent a lot of money getting rid of.

I know Karls system works really well, have seen data logs of oil pressure in much faster cars than se7ens on slicks using his system and oil pressure is rock solid even at high g.

[Edited on 31/1/07 by bike_power]

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 09:24 PM

Think the extreme system is based around the Pace setup.

Ive gone for a 5L tank due to space. I personally think that a 7L tank is a little extreme, (no pun intended!).

As for setup Ill probably go for the Hayabusa Central dry sump due to the fact it uses aeroquip hoses rather then hose clips like Pace use, and they also supply the water pump in the price.

G.Man - 31/1/07 at 09:32 PM

My Pace uses Aeroquip?

only the 2 short scavenge pipes use hose clips, and they are low pressure and will stay on without the hose clips (I couldnt get the damn pipe off when I changed my sump, had to unbolt the union)

Water pump is useful to have, but looking at it, I doubt it will flow enough water.. mine is the bosch pump and I have switched that to the davies craig now as the water was boiling in the block!

[Edited on 31/1/07 by G.Man]

G.Man - 31/1/07 at 09:37 PM

oh and the aeroquip fittings are the most expensive part of the instalation...

bear that in mind if you need extra over the pace system...

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 09:40 PM

Aeroquips shouldnt be to bad as I have a man on the inside!!!

G.Man - 31/1/07 at 10:07 PM

cool, but bear in mind what I said about the water pump...

The davies craig ones are proven to work well

I would hazard a guess thats what bike_power is uisng as well

iiyama - 31/1/07 at 10:33 PM

Not too sure what HC supply as a water pump, but the whole dry system comes in at under 900 sovs. Thats a whole lot cheaper then Pace or TTS, so even if I need to upgrade the pump im still quids in.

Fortunatly the same guy thats gonna supply me the aeroquips can supply Davis craig pumps too. In fact thats what was fitted to my RX-7!

iiyama - 2/2/07 at 03:04 PM

OK, sump tank showed today. Glad I went for a 5l, no way a 7 would have fitted. Actually wondering if I should have gone smaller!!!!

Only place ive got a space is at in front of the radiator. This places it at the other end of the engine from where the oil pump will be. Is this going to cause problems???

G.Man - 3/2/07 at 08:43 AM

No, wont cause a problem, as long as you get a gravity feed to the pump...

iiyama - 3/2/07 at 08:54 AM

So as long as I mount the bottom of the tank above the centerline of the pump all is good?

Or as long as the pump is under some pressure from the tank?

[Edited on 3/2/07 by iiyama]

G.Man - 3/2/07 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by iiyama
So as long as I mount the bottom of the tank above the centerline of the pump all is good?

Or as long as the pump is under some pressure from the tank?


iiyama - 3/2/07 at 12:43 PM

Happy days!

sorens2 - 22/6/07 at 08:29 AM

Have you concidered that the pump sucks in a lot of air that needs time i the tank to be separated from the oil.
That´s one of the reasons that you need more oil than the usually 3.2 L.
I once build a Pantera racecar where the tank was 24 L

Søren S2 Rescued attachment DSC02500.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC02500.JPG