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MK Gear linkage
the moa 2 - 30/11/05 at 11:44 PM

Ive been looking at Hellfires pics of his MK gear linkage system and wanted to ask firstly how people get on with it and secondly if anyone has used it in a locost chassis as i see it fits on MK's bulkhead which is curved into the tunnel.

jimgiblett - 1/12/05 at 11:47 AM

Looks almost identical to my STM one in my phoenix which is mounted on a flat side of pedal box. Works just fine.

ChrisGamlin - 1/12/05 at 12:11 PM

Ditto, I used the Stuart Taylor one on my book Locost and that worked fine,

One thing I would suggest though is to make sure you bolt it to something solid and not just a thin ally / steel bulkhead panel, because it will flex and give you a slightly vague / imprecise gearchange. I originally had mine bolted to the steel footwell panel but ended up welding a thick bit of plate in behind it which improved things quite a bit.

the moa 2 - 1/12/05 at 09:41 PM

How come you didnt use same system on your R1 Chris

ChrisGamlin - 1/12/05 at 10:13 PM

The R1 has its gear shift lever much higher so I couldnt use it, so I just made up a much simpler direct rocker.

Gearchange rocker top
Gearchange rocker top

[Edited on 1/12/05 by ChrisGamlin]

andygtt - 2/12/05 at 07:06 AM

My R1 linkage is an MK one and looks the same as Hellfires one except the top and bottom are swopped around i.e. the einge side is high and the lever side runs below the prop.