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Quaife reverse mounting direction
Triggerhappy - 5/6/09 at 07:38 AM

Is there an designated direction...or can i rotate the box 180degrees, eg is the box directional in what flange is input and out put.

I realize the opening for amusing answers on this stupidly put question, be merciful

Mr Whippy - 5/6/09 at 07:56 AM

I believe diffs are directional and can't be used in the opposite direction (other than reversing the car) without the contact points on the cogs needing realigned through shimming. Basically the back of the cogs teeth will be overlapping the other cogs teeth at the wrong location i.e. the edge rather than the center and so will wear badly.

stuart_g - 5/6/09 at 08:03 AM

I think that the Quaife has to be mounted a particular way as the bearings are different on each end. I think it is mounted with the reverse lever to the passenger side but i'm not 100% sure on that.
I'm sure someone will be along to confirm.

hoots_min - 5/6/09 at 08:32 AM

Trying to think from memory, but I believe ^^^ is correct, lever is on the passenger side. I don't think you would want to reverse the direction of the Quaiffe anyway, the unit is horrible going in reverse definitely smoother going forward. Or maybe that is just mine.

skippad - 5/6/09 at 08:50 AM

definately reverse lever on passenger side,
filler plug driver side.

Triggerhappy - 5/6/09 at 09:08 AM

So to clarify as im in Sweden with an LEFT hand side drive car.

Oil filler to the right!
Lever to the left!

Correct? Rescued attachment DSC00390.jpg
Rescued attachment DSC00390.jpg

Phil.J - 5/6/09 at 09:30 AM

I don't really know but I love that sponge mallet!

stuart_g - 5/6/09 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Triggerhappy
So to clarify as im in Sweden with an LEFT hand side drive car.

Oil filler to the right!
Lever to the left!


Yes that would be correct, Sorry didn't realise you were in Sweden

fege - 5/6/09 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Triggerhappy
So to clarify as im in Sweden with an LEFT hand side drive car.

Oil filler to the right!
Lever to the left!


Correct! If I remember correctly the unit has two bearing on the shaft pointing backwards (if mounted like in the picture) and one on the shaft pointing forward.

Triggerhappy - 5/6/09 at 11:05 AM

Many thanks for replys, your the best

Re the mallet, its pretty darn hard plastic if you ask my left thumb, iŽll fully agree on that it looks like sponge thou...