What did others do for spacers to locate the rear lower wishbones rose joints? Anyone got a ny dims? is it an even spacer both sides of the rose
joint? Any help or advise appreciated.
Mac, You have a U2U...
Ive spaced mine out with washers. Is that OK for SVA?
I spaced mine with washers and then once happy that everything was in order, I measured them and made some spacers out of UHMW PE, I was unsure how
well spacers would be accepted by Mr SVA.
CORRECTION to my previous post_ SORRY !
I was not confident that using washers would be acceptable to Mr SVA (not Spacers)
I used washers, as I think most have. No SVA problems.
Andy Bause
Rescued attachment tiger2 001.jpg
Cheers guys "spacers" now fitted and seem fine.