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How Many Finnished AVON's
Andrew Bause - 20/8/05 at 11:43 PM

Ok so how many finnished AVON's are there ?
I started my build in May 2004 and SVA'd May 2005
Since SVA its done 4500 miles! and it just keeps getting better !!
What are your experiences of this kit? and what problems have you had?


Andy Bause
Vauxhall C20XE powered AVON Rescued attachment tiger54 004.jpg
Rescued attachment tiger54 004.jpg

Avoneer - 20/8/05 at 11:45 PM

Are we taking into consideration the hundreds Tiger claim to have sold?

There were 6 in a row at Harrogate.

Mine has now been sold though so I can finish my locoblade.


MikeR - 21/8/05 at 12:08 AM

Whats the IRS like and what is the book like? Keep thinking of buying the book for reading / reference matter.

Andrew Bause - 21/8/05 at 01:12 AM

Mike, I don't think the book is that great. If you were going to build your own chasis and grp then there is plenty of information regarding this, but in reality I think most will purchase these items? There are lots of colour photos but not many of the actual car in question. However it did give a fairly good insight into Kit car building in general. I personally would have liked to see the assembly section a lot more detailed, that said though, the build provided very few problems and staff at Tiger were always friendly and helpfull when problems arose.


Andy Bause
Vauxhall C20XE Powered AVON

big_wasa - 21/8/05 at 06:44 AM

The book makes a good read and gives extra info that rons book misses but you get the feeling having read it ,that its more of a build manual than "a how to" and that tiger never intended you to scratch build with the information from it..

Still a good adition to the reading material

MikeR - 21/8/05 at 09:38 AM

so its a bit light on the IRS section then

andrew.carwithen - 21/8/05 at 10:09 AM

I wouldn't say that, as the whole chassis secction of the book is centred around fitting IRS.
Its the alternative 'live axle' rear end that only gets a passing mention.
However, there are mistakes in the book.
An example being that apparently, the lower rear wishbones are orientated opposite to what they should be!
I do have a 'scruffy' original edition of the Tiger book (several pages have had to be sellotaped back in) which I'm willing to sell for £5 plus postage, if you're interested.
(I bought a later 'updated' edition, btbh apart from a few extra photos, there seems to be very little different between the two.)


shades - 21/8/05 at 10:19 AM

one year in and still enjoying it...

have no deadline to complete, one of my current bug bears is when people walk past the garage the first question asked is "When will you be finished it?" I now just add 3 days to the current day and say that... so todays finish date is Tuesday.
Well happy with what I bought from tiger....

Fishface - 22/8/05 at 12:47 PM

Im nearly there, its red and its a tuned reconed pinto in mine.

I saw a green one on the EATOC display at rougham airshow yesterday along with that new blue one in the latest kitcar magazine. Im sure there must be quite a few now but prbably dont all check the web.

Had my first test drive round the close without brakes last night, very exciting. Managed to get it into second, felt fairly quick.

tractorboy - 31/8/05 at 09:30 AM

my 2 litre pinto version has been on the road since june last year. it goes quick and holds the road well in the dry but as they all can it has a tendancy to get a bit tail happy in the damp or wet.but still great fun. scott

Fishface - 31/8/05 at 01:09 PM

Looks like it will be next summer that i will get to race you scott. Are you going to the next tiger open day?

ayoungman - 5/9/05 at 03:00 PM

I bought my Avon chassis over 2 years ago and it was chassis number 100. They must be well into 300+ by now. Mine is 2/3 built, but as they say "Rome wasn't"

Monkeybasher - 9/9/05 at 03:15 PM

I bought mine in sept 2004 and passed SVA on Friday 13th May, unlucky for some, not me. I love mine and have done 2,000 miles including two track days. Had no major problems although on my second engine.. I can only get 0.7 degrees of front camber so that needs modded apart from that easy to build and easy to drive fast and sideways. way more fun than the evo I had, with a fraction of the costs. Rescued attachment IMG_9656.jpg
Rescued attachment IMG_9656.jpg

Lightning - 9/9/05 at 09:44 PM

Heres a pic of mine too
had done 2500 miles till speedo sender was removed when fitted LSD. Must do something about that one day

Northy - 10/9/05 at 07:46 AM

My weekend job is getting to and removing the speedo sender. I think I've broken it when I did a "clutch test" (burn out)

Monkeybasher - 10/9/05 at 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Northy
My weekend job is getting to and removing the speedo sender. I think I've broken it when I did a "clutch test" (burn out)

My speedo stopped working when the magnets were knocked off the diff after a visit to the gravel trap

Guess when the picture was taken, To find the limit you have to go beyond it Rescued attachment IMG_9711.jpg
Rescued attachment IMG_9711.jpg