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inching forwards !
ayoungman - 23/5/05 at 08:58 AM

the engine is now slowly starting to look like it might someday run.

just got to plumb in the cooling system , oh and find a starter motor. Rescued attachment chrome rocker cover 017.jpg
Rescued attachment chrome rocker cover 017.jpg

Jonr - 23/5/05 at 12:32 PM

Very nice indeed, very bling!!

Love the chrome. Mushroom head bolts are a nice touch too.

viatron - 23/5/05 at 05:58 PM

Looking nice, its all in the detail. Just an observation but is your steering UJ as close to the offside engine mount as it looks???


Jonr - 23/5/05 at 06:05 PM

speaking of engine mounts, what's that you replaced the bits of wood with?

mad4x4 - 23/5/05 at 07:48 PM

Looks like the old Fiesta Block Mount to me

ayoungman - 24/5/05 at 07:46 AM

yes, its the Fiesta engine mount. 40mm thick. The other side was more of a problem, needed 20mm thick ! Found a round one in the end. Not totally happy with it, will swop it for a larger diameter one before engine fire up !

DaveFJ - 24/5/05 at 11:16 AM

are your engine supports made to Tiger dimensions ?

ayoungman - 25/5/05 at 07:23 AM

Yes, I followed the measurements in the book exactly and made up two jigs to weld them up. I've still got the jigs, so they could be used to do more.

DaveFJ - 25/5/05 at 07:52 AM

Next question then - are you trying to fit rubber mounts of the right size to keep the engine level ?

I have the Tiger supplied ones and they don't even come close so i have had to raise the right hand side by 30mm !!

I was thinking of using a smaller mount on the left but can't find anything suitable.

[Edited on 25/5/05 by DaveFJ]

ayoungman - 25/5/05 at 02:01 PM

Mine are 40mm steering linkage side. 20mm on the other side. Engine sits at correct height and dead upright.There is a good 15/20mm clearance on the uj steering shaft. Just looks tight !
This firm have rubbers that you will find very useful.

[Edited on 25/5/05 by ayoungman]

[Edited on 25/5/05 by ayoungman]