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SVA and top balljoint nut
mad-butcher - 2/9/08 at 09:22 AM

While trying to get the front end protected for the sva I originaly thought of doing it this way (1st pic) but while changing the ball joint on my transit I thought why not use the old cover
(pic 2) Rescued attachment 1st thought.JPG
Rescued attachment 1st thought.JPG

mad-butcher - 2/9/08 at 09:25 AM

pic 2 Rescued attachment finished.JPG
Rescued attachment finished.JPG

BenB - 2/9/08 at 09:38 AM

Nice option!!! Might copy that idea

ashg - 2/9/08 at 09:53 AM

might be worth putting the little retaining springs round it to stop it moving

good idea though. personally for sva i would just cover the whole lot then there is no question. i would prob then swop it to this after the sva. thats jus my thinking on it though.

[Edited on 2/9/08 by ashg]

coozer - 2/9/08 at 10:37 AM

Indicator bar protects by stealth..