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another build update
afj - 29/5/08 at 06:18 PM

Just fuel feed and return pipes ............................................................................ohhh look at that ....its an engine WOOOO HOOOO Rescued attachment DSC00122.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC00122.JPG

afj - 29/5/08 at 06:18 PM

pump Rescued attachment DSC00121.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC00121.JPG

afj - 29/5/08 at 06:19 PM

engine 03 5pw Rescued attachment DSC00125.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC00125.JPG

afj - 29/5/08 at 06:20 PM

last one Rescued attachment DSC00126.JPG
Rescued attachment DSC00126.JPG

eddbaz - 29/5/08 at 06:36 PM

Nice progress,where abouts in peterborough are you based,I live in Gunthorpe and roughly at the same stage in my indy build,might be good to compare notes.

afj - 29/5/08 at 06:45 PM

dont laugh pratt avenue walking distance... even pushing the rolling chassis distance

eddbaz - 29/5/08 at 06:48 PM

I'll u2u you you'll have to come over for a coffee and some tyre kicking.

afj - 29/5/08 at 07:05 PM

its a date what shall i wear

locoR1 - 29/5/08 at 07:16 PM

Originally posted by afj
its a date what shall i wear

Defiantly not green or you'll clash by the looks of this

Nice car and great choice of colour!!!


Doofus - 29/5/08 at 07:30 PM

Looks like there will be a couple more nice looking cars round the 'Boro soon.

(Posting to keep this a Peterborough posters only thread)

mike smith1 - 29/5/08 at 07:31 PM

Looking good, just a thought i dont think mr SVA will like the jubilee clip on the fuel hose, you need to change it for a proper petrol pipe type one.


locoR1 - 29/5/08 at 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Doofus
Looks like there will be a couple more nice looking cars round the 'Boro soon.

(Posting to keep this a Peterborough posters only thread)

Theirs all ways one that spoils it

Kev99 - 29/5/08 at 08:22 PM

Green I like that for a car sets it off nicely

Ill keep the peterborough thing going


[Edited on 29-5-08 by Kev99]

matt.c - 29/5/08 at 08:46 PM

Looking good.

Come on! im not that far away from peterborough area.

graememk - 29/5/08 at 10:20 PM

wheres peterborough ?

eddbaz - 29/5/08 at 10:37 PM

At this rate we can have a peterborough night out.

locoR1 - 30/5/08 at 05:29 AM

Originally posted by eddbaz
At this rate we can have a peterborough night out.

We do! You Just haven't been invited! Lol.

Not sure if you know? We have a Peterborough group meet this Monday night @ Greyhound pub at eye green at about 8.00pm

I'm sure Graeme will fill you in on the initiation before you can come (I wouldn't ask Alan hes still a little embarrassed about his :-)

graememk - 30/5/08 at 10:27 AM

well basicaly the initiation is that they send you on a pub hunt, you get told the meetings in one place then they go to another and you have 1 hours to find the correct pub.

eddbaz - 30/5/08 at 11:25 AM

I'll have to wait until I'm more mobile,I'm still recovering from falling down the stairs, and I was sober at the time.

eddbaz - 30/5/08 at 11:25 AM

I'll have to wait until I'm more mobile,I'm still recovering from falling down the stairs, and I was sober at the time.

afj - 30/5/08 at 01:04 PM

Can we please get on topic again who is gonna second changing the jubilee clips on the fuel lines and also show me what to change them to