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remote gearshift again
jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 08:29 AM


I posted on the question of removing the front top trans tunnel chassis rail quite a while ago and received plenty of good useful advice.

Now just about to take the plunge and cut the offending rail out.

Before I do I took some measurements and noticed that part of the remote at the rear will be close to the top universal joint of the prop.

Calling all you remote gearshift users. Did you expereince any problems with interference between the remote and prop and if so how did you rectify the problem? preferably not involving removing the prop to be modded etc.


RichardK - 14/11/07 at 09:07 AM

Mine clears the prop by at least 10mm nothing flexes so is ok in my book.

Some pictures in my gallery below on page 3, also is my first attempt to the tiger book


[Edited on 14/11/07 by RichardK]

westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 09:27 AM

Yes same here type 9, 5 speed box I had to move the bar back a bit and I put another one in front about the middle of the extension to strengthen tunnel. its close but its ok as long as the uj is not oversized and prop is in the box ok. My only problem is there is a plastic bush that clips round the gearbox side of the link mechanism that the gear leaver slides in. ford have the part on the drawing on the pc but no part number for it and cant get one any ideas where to get the extra one for the extension end from? other than having to buy the hole gear stick from the breakers? As at the moment I cant get it to go into 1st easily because of the excessive play in the mechanism. Have you got the 2nd bush in your set up?

RichardK - 14/11/07 at 09:31 AM

What, this bit next to the roll pins,

Why can you go to a scrapper and just buy that!


westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 09:47 AM

Yes the little plastic clip part .Just being lazy really and that’s another morning lost clambering over cars down the scrappy getting covered in glass. when there is so little light time at the weekend now. would be easier to order one of the net. I have a Westfield extension (Not locost but was cheaper than list price when they sold some on ebay) and that would hit your uj as it is in the pic on page 3 is that in a finished position it seems to be a long way out of the box?
what extention are you using jabbahutt Rescued attachment 04-03-07_0932.jpg
Rescued attachment 04-03-07_0932.jpg

jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 10:05 AM

sorry for being a bit dim but where does this plastic bit go? I removed the gearstick and there is the metal fork that slots over the bar and this set up is replicated on the extension. How does this effect the UJ

sorry for requesting the clarification bit i'm having trouble visualsing the problem

the extension i'm using is from rally design and is classed as an extension turret if you want to look at their web site.


[Edited on 14/11/07 by jabbahutt]

westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 10:24 AM

Yes the rally design one is the same as the westy one the plastic clip part slots over the bar coming out of the gear box and between the forks on the Extension Then again extension to gear stick forming a bearing surface and takes out the play. Lost of cars are missing these parts and have sloppy gear change because of it. this is made 2 x as bad as you are using an extension and don’t have them fitted at both ends. Not dim mate im just not good at explaining things

[Edited on 14/11/07 by westcost1]

jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 10:32 AM

so where does the potential clash with the prop UJ come from?

does this plastic bit clip over the fork on the bottom of the gearstick?


westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 10:40 AM

The clash could be from your prop being to far out of the gear box?
The plastic clip issue is totally separate just from uj bringing it up as I have found it a problem. clips over the gearbox shaft then the forks slide into it. it may be on your gear box end but you haven’t realised its there could be covered in grease. The extension end wont have one.

jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 10:52 AM

right got you on the plastic clip situation I'll check the gearbox tonight.

on the UJ clash I take it the part of the extension that will clash is the rectangular metal plate welded underneath the extension at the front that the shaft passes through? is that right

westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 10:58 AM

On my car that part is fine it’s the bottom of the extension forks that would clash in 4th if my uj was a bit further out of the box. take some dims of how far out of the box your uj is you may need to extend your prop shaft to get it to clear or fit some kind of spacer ring at the diff end.

westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 11:04 AM

Found a pic of the problem my uj was to far back had to get the prop made longer and just to complicate matters i have a short shift gear stick so the forks stick out the botton more.

[Edited on 14/11/07 by westcost1] Rescued attachment prop small.jpg
Rescued attachment prop small.jpg

jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 11:17 AM

no my uj is more under the chassis rail, I was concerned with it clashing with the metal plate welded at 90deg to main plate.

Thanks for all the help, best I get stuck in and cut out this chassis rail.

jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 11:24 AM

one last thing did you need to remove the original reverse detent from the rear of the type 9?

RichardK - 14/11/07 at 11:35 AM

Mine is quite a way back so I suppose that why I don't have the problem with mine hitting the uj, it was just the most comfortable position for me when I made it and was just lucky it didn't hit the uj as I can remeber checking that


westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 11:44 AM

me being dim now sorry dont get it? "reverse detent". i had to remove the cover plate to get the extension in. it sounds like you will be ok clearing the uj. cut the tube then grind it back to flush.
yes that would be a shock wack it in to 4th at 60 and the gear leaver fly’s past your face

[Edited on 14/11/07 by westcost1]

RichardK - 14/11/07 at 11:53 AM

Suppose if you new one has a reverse indent attached to the side then I would knock the cover out of the end of the type 9 gear selector end and then slide out the original reverse indent block, he says slide out as though it comes out easy!!


jabbahutt - 14/11/07 at 11:57 AM

The reverse detent is the small roughly cylindrical item in the rear of the box on the right as you look at it from the rear.
It's veisible through the hole where the gearstick goes.
It's there I believe to prevent you inadvertantly putting the car in reverse.

I thought that the small black item welded underneath the rear of the extension was to act as the detent because the stick has moved.

I wasn't sure wheter the original needed to be removed.

Hope that is a better explaination. judging from the fact you've only removed the rear dust cover I'd say that you haven't removed it.

westcost1 - 14/11/07 at 01:27 PM

thanks for clearing that up no i didn’t remove it didn’t no it was there I have learnt something new today. it will do the same job with or without the extension i would of thought?