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donut mobile will be up for sale.
donut - 23/7/06 at 10:20 AM

God this is a tough thread to write...but here goes.

Some may be aware of a post regarding a close encounter with a Clio and another car last week -

Anyhoo I happened to mention it to the wife in passing (as you do) and she went a bit bananas, Basically saying that she hated the car, hated me going out in it and not to put too finer point on it said that it's gotta go. To say I was surprised was an understatement and I had no idea that she felt that way! I tried to argue that I have only had it on the road for a week etc but she really wants it gone!!!!!

So it will be up for sale very soon as its still summer, I may pop it on ebay but I’ll give people here 1st crack.

All details can be found here>
I know I was having issues with driver comfort but they were being worked out but hey ho

I'm going to carry on with the MK Owners club for the time being and I will still be on here. I ain't gonna stop having me fun out on the roads, it just won't be in the car I spent the last 8 months building!!!

Anyone wishing to take the mick, wind me up or post any other derogatory remarks please post here and NOT on the for sale section.

bob - 23/7/06 at 10:28 AM


I'll check the betting ,i'm sure someone had july 23rd

Pezza - 23/7/06 at 10:29 AM

Gutted for you mate

stevec - 23/7/06 at 10:39 AM

Really sorry to hear your news, But I can relate to it cos my wife went mental when I binned my ZZR600 Kawasaki. And it had to go.(what will we all do if you are killed on that stupid bike) The conversation went.
Maybe when us guys have moments we should keep it quiet.

andyharding - 23/7/06 at 10:44 AM

You guys are nuts. Get rid of the wife not the car/bike!

Wadders - 23/7/06 at 10:51 AM

Thats a real shame, could you not keep it as a track only car?

big_wasa - 23/7/06 at 10:58 AM

Had that conresation before, Funy it was the bos not the wife putting on the most presure after hearing the words 170 mph

Shhhhh dont tell them these are a death trap as well

bob - 23/7/06 at 11:01 AM


If you was driving your VW sharan and a car pulled out on you making you swerve in a heart stopping moment would mrs nut be wanting you to sell the VW.

OX - 23/7/06 at 11:08 AM

how anyone can let there wife rule them like that i'll never know

TimC - 23/7/06 at 11:20 AM


I guess I must be lucky - while my partner has concerns, she'd never stop me from persuing my dream......

You only get one shot at life buddy...

andrews_45 - 23/7/06 at 11:37 AM

I had the same conversation with my wife last year, hence the Scooby and Ducati were sold. I got myself a cheap track bike and am in middle of building a locost racer.

If you sell it you'll regret it, use it for track use only. Last thurs I binned my bike on track and was ok, bit of gravel rash on my leathers but ok. I'll no doubt crash my car when out on the track. Its just a part of the experience of driving fast...

Take her to a track meet and let her see the safety aspect of tracks, after all there are no clio's that will pull out on you

...If all else fails, put the wife on ebay

Winston Todge - 23/7/06 at 12:48 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx

I agree with the other sentiments posted how you can call a woman who dictated such dracoonian terms awife is beyond me.

Sorry if this offends but seriously, grow some balls!!!

Some people have different types of relationship and priorities. Donut keeping his wife happy is obviously higher up on that list than his car...

'Grow some balls?' That is really not an opinion and more of a statement that in my mind is quite offensive.

donut - 23/7/06 at 01:15 PM


I for one would be having serious reservations about such a marriage.

I would expect a remark like that from CaLviNx!!!! (insert expletive here!! LOL) What the hell do you know about me and my wife of 18 years. Naff off to Cyprus why don't you!!!!!


It wasn't a shouting match, she was genuinely concerned, so much so that she want's it gone. It is only that she cares about me (all say ahhhh ) I just wished she told me 8 months ago before i started building the car.

Also i don't work and i'm a kept man so i can't complain too much!

Bob, who won the bet?

[Edited on 23/7/06 by donut]

ch1ll1 - 23/7/06 at 01:27 PM


but i agree with what you said !
at least you can start another project soon !

GeoffT - 23/7/06 at 01:30 PM


That's one lovely looking car, and I reckon if you sell it on a 'knee jerk' reaction to a row with the missus you'll once again be regretting it big time in a week or two's time.

Sort the driving comfort issues you talked about (i.e. wind & sidescreens) which will make YOU feel a lot more inclined to keep the car, then hopefully you can tempt her out for a gentle spin in the passenger seat, and maybe change her attitude towards it. At least give it a week or two for the 'dust to settle' before you seriously try to sell it.

Look forward to seeing it at Newlands with YOU in the driver's seat....

ATB, Geoff.

froggy - 23/7/06 at 01:42 PM

andy ,perhaps you can put the bits i brought you into something a bit more stealthy. my wife is quite ok about my kitten as she thinks that putting a 1000cc motor in to replace the 850cc one is a bit pointless ,to quote her " whats the point in that its only a little bit bigger!"

marcyboy - 23/7/06 at 02:36 PM

i'm not saying a word....

but i can type

(i'm sure i'm stating the obvious here but we all knew you would sell it )

blimey does this mean she won't let you loose on a cobra with a big V8 then...because they really are widowmakers !!!

Surrey Dave - 23/7/06 at 02:42 PM

I feel sorry for the people who built the car!!

Does this mean Jason can put his car in your garage for a while and polish it off?

DIY Si - 23/7/06 at 02:51 PM

Have you tried the pointing out the fact that the chances of you running in to something this manoeverable are relatively slim? That they go, stop and corner well enough to allow you to avoid the wallies in clios? Would you, for example, have been able to avoid the clio in your tin top?

Fozzie - 23/7/06 at 03:26 PM

Sorry, but I can say loads here, but I won't, I was totally expecting this post Andy-Mate!......
I think it has all been said above, much more eloquently than I can at this point.

As a female, I just hope that you aren't blaming all of this on Mrs Donut (therefore invoking an anti-female v cars thing), just coz you scared yaself sh*tless the other happens when you drive any vehicle on the road......

A very upset and disappointed......Fozzie

Oh.....DLT...he say......Ya big effing WOOSE

[Edited on 23/7/06 by Fozzie]

donut - 23/7/06 at 03:30 PM

Tell DLT i love him too

Fozzie - 23/7/06 at 03:36 PM

Originally posted by donut
Tell DLT i love him too

marcyboy - 23/7/06 at 03:45 PM

how long have you had a thing about beards...
do they remind you of something ?

john_p_b - 23/7/06 at 04:07 PM

gutted for you but respect for putting humans before lumps of metal.

Hellfire - 23/7/06 at 04:08 PM

Eeeee lad...

What are you going to do now? I guess sit and watch TV pretending to be happy... until you find something else which may (or may not) be as dangerous.

I respect you and your priorities... people with other opinions are either single, dictatorial or somewhere down the line will get their cummupance. No names no pac-drill...

Hope you find happiness Donut...


OBO Hellfire

Peteff - 23/7/06 at 04:15 PM

My wife was in the car with me when the bottom front balljoint stripped and turned it into a 3 wheeler with no steering going round a bend on a country lane, oh how we laughed. If you ride a bike and learn a bit of defensive driving you will be safe in your car. Get her a headscarf and tie your trilby on and take her with you or learn to keep your gob shut

chrisg - 23/7/06 at 04:44 PM

Andy, our lass said the same thing to me.

She's still picking her teeth up.



Danozeman - 23/7/06 at 04:47 PM

Bloody hell mate. I wasnt expecting that... That could have happened in any car!!

You have to keep your marriage hey.. TBH i would do the same if my missus was concerned like that. I would buy as fast fun tin top instead. That said if you was in that position in a tin top you probably would have crashed..

Youl have to get a bike.

gary gsx - 23/7/06 at 05:53 PM

No dont do it

You know if you get an mx5 it will be mmmmmmmm doner

j30fos - 23/7/06 at 06:35 PM

Been ther done that 3 times !!!! So I know how you feel. I just cannot get the same kind of buzz with normal cars, so I've got number 4 last week :-) a westfield MEGABUSA told the misses tonight actually how much it cost, the smile went :-) I think she has admitted defeat now and knows If I sell it another will arrive next year.

All I can say is, you need to do whats best for you and yours and ther's always next year

Hope everything works out for you and must say the car looks really well, just needs a bike engine

Should sell at that price very quickly

Good luck

OX - 23/7/06 at 07:03 PM

pmsl jfos,she wont tell you this time to sell the car the next thing you'll know you'll be signing the dotted line of the devorce papers .

BKLOCO - 23/7/06 at 07:17 PM

I'm sorry matey but you will allmost certainly regret this in the future.
I used to be married to someone who tried to dictate what I should and shouldn't do...
I put up with it for over 20 years....
Trust me I talk from personal experience...
I thought I had the "perfect marriage". WRONG....
I had allways wanted to build a kit car and I only did it after I got divorced and met someone who was as enthusiastic for my passions as I was for hers....
I could go on...and on... about the parragliding, water skiing, diving etc etc. You need to work out things like this....They may very well come back to haunt you....
If you do continue on you chosen course and sell the car I sincerely hope things work out for you and the decision does not cause you problems in the future.

greggors84 - 23/7/06 at 07:58 PM

Just buy a fast bike, or any bike really, tell her your going to replace the car with that as soon as the car sells.

Wait for her to get wound up about the bike then sell that to keep her happy, hopefully she will have forgotten about the indy by then.

Seems a shame to let it go especially as you built this one as you regretted selling the last.

DEAN C. - 23/7/06 at 07:59 PM

That last post was quite subtly dealt with but probably correct!

All I'm going to say is "you're only here once,dont have any regrets.
You must do what you would like to whilst you can"

I'm toying with the idea of a big bike after passing my bike test earlier in the year at 42.Just because I have always wanted to.
The missus at first said "sell the INDY if you are buying a bike"

"Kiss my arse was the reply,the Indy stays!"

The latest ultimatum is "If you want a bike finish the house first" thats more reasonable I thought!

Marriage is all about give and take but dont roll over you'll lose all respect,anyway I just think you've scared yourself sh**less and you're a wuss(southern softie).

All the best whatever you do.

Regards ,Dean.

PS. Does anyone know a good builder near me?No I'm not kidding!

[Edited on 23/7/06 by DEAN C.]

donut - 23/7/06 at 08:12 PM


I happen to regard my wife as a hell of alot more important than a kit car. I would give my life for her happily and if i'm doing somthing that upsets her or worries her then i'll stop. She NEVER dictates to me but if theres something she's not happy about we sort it.

Some of you lot may not have great relationships with your other halves but i do. It's not a case of her 'ruling' my life. She works damn hard so i can look after the kids and the house.

Cars are just toys to me and my marage is more important. She is more than happy for me to get another car but not a small kit car. She wants a 4 seater so we can all go out together as a family so the road to classic car ownership becons.

P.s...i'll never get a bike, Death traps!

[Edited on 23/7/06 by donut]

andybod - 23/7/06 at 08:16 PM

very sad news now all you have to do is convince the wifey it's worth the £36.000 price ticket like the caterham and no futher upset sometimes they can be right though i just choose not to admit it to mine

Fozzie - 23/7/06 at 08:23 PM

Andy-Mate, this wouldn't have anything to do with espying that MKII Savage Cortina in our workshop last week..........would it?


marcyboy - 23/7/06 at 08:26 PM


wimping out like that and blaming the missus... i don't know

BKLOCO - 23/7/06 at 08:39 PM

I used to drive one of those...
Bloody sight more scary than any 7 type car IMHO.
Mine kept wrecking g-boxes.

Great fun though.

Originally posted by Fozzie
Andy-Mate, this wouldn't have anything to do with espying that MKII Savage Cortina in our workshop last week..........would it?


Fozzie - 23/7/06 at 08:42 PM

Brian, you are so right, much more scary.....


T5 going in this one

[Edited on 23/7/06 by Fozzie]

donut - 23/7/06 at 09:01 PM


That Mk2 Cortina is going to be awesome. Stu showed me what motor he was going to fit and the work that has been done. I do have a soft spot for the Mk2 and the Mk1 Cortina so who knows

Fozzie - 23/7/06 at 09:05 PM

Originally posted by donut

That Mk2 Cortina is going to be awesome. Stu showed me what motor he was going to fit and the work that has been done. I do have a soft spot for the Mk2 and the Mk1 Cortina so who knows

Andy-Mate, I have to agree that of all the cars I have ever owned (apart from the Fozzmobile) my old MKII Cortina is waaay up at number 1.


James - 23/7/06 at 09:17 PM

Oh Andy!

See, if you'd made you're car 10% bigger like mine it'd be bigger than most cars on the road and no one would be able to not see you!

What about a compromise mate.... things off the top of my head you could do to 'bulk' the car up:

-Windscreen, keep the surround in ali so it;s a nice easy colour to see.
-Raise the headlights and keep them on all the time. Get some bigger ones too. You can buy my SVA special 7" ones after my test if you want!
-Side screens made of ali
-3rd brake light (Premier to a lovely LED one for £30)
-Some reflective stuff on the roll-bar.

There must be other things you could do!

Just seems a pity to throw away all that hard work!

At the end of the day, the dozy idiot in the Clio would have done that if an artic' had been bearing down on them!

Just drive defensively (like a sensible biker rides), and even book yourself on an advanced driving course so you can learn to perceive danger and get out of it more easily.

You should be pleased with yourself for avoiding the Clio as it proves you were alert and driving well in the first place.

Please don't let some loser who shouldn't be on the road make you sell the car!

All the best,

DEAN C. - 23/7/06 at 10:19 PM

Andy,I think you were biting a little

Quote.s...i'll never get a bike, Death traps!

My thoughts exactly,but while I'm here I'm going to enjoy life as much as I can,and I'll try not to hurt anyone else in the process.

My Dad had cancer quite seriously five years ago and luckily he is still OK against the odds,my whole attitude to life changed in a couple of months,in fact all the family think the same.

Family comes first and I cant knock you for that,but make sure you also do the things you really want to.
I'm sure you will, so keep in touch and good luck.

[Edited on 23/7/06 by DEAN C.]

chockymonster - 23/7/06 at 10:30 PM

Sorry to hear that you're having to sell.

It's not just kit cars that people pull out in front of. Too many drivers just don't pay attention, they look once and assume it's still safe to go. I've lost count of the number of times someone has pulled out in front of us in my wife's mx5.

She now drives around with her lights on all the time and people still pull out.

I get where you are coming from with the comments on marriage, I guess I'm just lucky that my wife is a petrol head too.

donut - 24/7/06 at 06:37 AM


She now drives around with her lights on all the time and people still pull out.

I'll have to buy a big Volvo cos they have their lights on all the time

My mum nearly died from coming off her bike, my mate packed in biking cos he was hit too many times and another mate is giving up cos of the same reason and that the roads are too bad. It's not the riders it's everyone else!!! Plus i don't have the bottle

[Edited on 24/7/06 by donut]

bob - 24/7/06 at 08:47 AM

I was nearly run over by a horse and cart once

Marcus - 24/7/06 at 08:50 AM

But did it make you want to chop off your legs and sell them?

Shame about the car Andy, but you must do what you think is right.


donut - 24/7/06 at 08:52 AM


I was nearly run over by a horse and cart once

Was that before the invention of the internal combustion engine?

jos - 24/7/06 at 09:00 AM

Very sad to hear that Andy, even sadder to see your selling it for less than £5k.

I'm exactly the opposite. My missus is giving me ear ache that I havent taken her out in it enough.

Funny things women arent they

woodster - 24/7/06 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
Andy, our lass said the same thing to me.

She's still picking her teeth up.



you dont post on here enough chris .................. that was priceless

chrisg - 24/7/06 at 06:21 PM

Originally posted by woodster
Originally posted by chrisg
Andy, our lass said the same thing to me.

She's still picking her teeth up.



you dont post on here enough chris .................. that was priceless

Thanks mate!

I understand what Andy's going through though, Mrs G won't get in my car and she's always dropping hint's about me selling it.

But I ignore her.

I think you'll find that as a general rule, it's best not to listen.

learn to use the awsome power of "Yes dear"

In one ear and out the other



Deckman001 - 24/7/06 at 09:59 PM

All this attepted persuation is in vain, I guess all will be told tomorrow


ned - 25/7/06 at 06:53 AM

so i'm guessing its sold then, not really suprising at such a giveaway price. what a muppet.

donut - 25/7/06 at 07:02 AM

Thank you for your kind support Ned

ned - 25/7/06 at 07:12 AM


I have refrained from commenting further, don't tempt me.


[Edited on 25/7/06 by ned]

iank - 25/7/06 at 08:32 AM

Time for a more supportive post.

If Donut really really cared about driving a 7 I'm sure there would have been a lot more discussion with his missus. But from my reading of his posts over the months and years I got the impression he was far more interested in the build, the community here and maybe the idea of driving a twitchy uncomfortable pure sportscar.

So the real questions should be "what are you going to build next?" rather than criticism and macho chest beating (which is rather sad IMO).

So Cobra, Mini, American Muscle car, or something really safe, with room for a huge V8, and capable of going fast over insanely rough roads like a Tomcat? (Linky)

donut - 25/7/06 at 08:41 AM

You're not a million miles away there actually. I mean let's face it, the chances of keeping it for more than 6 months was slim BUT!!! i wasn't planning on selling it quite so soon!!!

So to the new motor....

Well it has to be a 4 seater. I would dearly love a Rover or Chevy/Ford V8 but at the moment it's hard to find anything that floats my boat. It has to be a classic car too!!

I love old Fords and would like a Mk1 or Mk2 Cortina. There is a V6 Essex engined (Rebuilt with receipts) restored Mk2 Cortina in the Classic Ford Mag this month that looks nice and i'm just waiting for pics.

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Syd Bridge - 25/7/06 at 09:22 AM

The aussies fitted small block v8's to Mk3 Cortinas, and then there's the South African XR8, a small block Ford in a Sierra. Real wolves in sheep's...


02GF74 - 25/7/06 at 12:39 PM

Originally posted by donut

So to the new motor....

Well it has to be a 4 seater. I would dearly love a Rover V8 but at the moment it's hard to find anything that floats my boat. It has to be a classic car too!!

Any suggestions would be appreciated

<---- look over to your left; how about a series 2a lightweight tax exempt, screaming for a 4.6 rover v8 to go in it. No worries about anyone pulling out in front, in fact, even white van man cower out of the way - take it for a nice trundle offroad and open your eyes to a totally new experience (and I 'm not referring about the pools of ep90, engine oil, being on first name terms with the AA man, scrimping pennies for the petrol)

PS I respect your descision and think you made the right one although it must be very hard.

Dazza - 25/7/06 at 01:36 PM

what about a huge, easy to spot economical monster..... very safe...... big, 5 seated easily...........

.my 2.5 Turbo Diesel Range Rover(theres the rover bit), K plate, blue, loads done like bushes, box, tank etc. £2500 ono.... will take decent offer...... IF this floats your boat ?? if it dont,,,, it can definatly tow your boat!!!! Rescued attachment IMAG0019.JPG
Rescued attachment IMAG0019.JPG

02GF74 - 25/7/06 at 01:51 PM

thanks for the full sized photo

donut - 25/7/06 at 02:28 PM

I've gone blind!!! Or should i get a 42" wide screen screen

I know Range Rovers are big but......

TangoMan - 25/7/06 at 08:46 PM

That's a big decison to take. I drove a TVR for several years until I stuck it into a bridge.

Had I been in the 7 it wouldn't have happened. I thnik the reality is that a seven is safer and less likely to get you into trouble but is more likely to get you caught up in someone elses trouble.

For me, I bought my 7 while I still had a broken back. After a fairly serious, and almost fatal, crash I felt I needed something to look forward to.

If safety is your issue, an old car is likely to be more dangerous as it will be less nimble and will still lack modern safety devices.

jonbeedle - 26/7/06 at 08:29 AM

My worst accident was in a VW van doing 45mph up a deserted M11 at 2:30am. The van rolled when it was hit up the rear by the only other car on the road!
I knew someone else who ended up in a wheel chair, not from crashing his 170mph Kawasaki, but from falling over after slipping on an empty beer bottle as he got out of bed!
You can't live in fear of what might happen, you just have to take life by the balls and enjoy it. So keep the car!