posted on 28/4/18 at 06:40 PM |
Chassis VIN location
Finally almost ready to get my chassis power coated, justy a few things left to do.
Stamping the VIN being one of them (I already have a VIN from the DVLA). Not too keen on stamping a tube for all the reasons discussed many times
My pedal box is however made from 3mm steel so shouldnt be a problem to stamp.
I was thinking of stamping the VIN vertically up the corner of ther pedal box in the area highlighted.
![](/galpreviews/2VIN location.jpg) ![Description](/gallery/2VIN location.jpg) Description
When I make the pedal box cover I'll make sure the VIN isnt covered.
My interpretation if the IVA manual suggests this would be ok, however I thought I'd see what everyone else thought.
[Edited on 28/4/18 by paulc]
posted on 28/4/18 at 07:06 PM |
Think that'll be fine.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 28/4/18 at 10:21 PM |
I engraved mind using a stencil and dremmel.
![](/galpreviews/20140821_134916.jpg) ![Chassis number](/gallery/20140821_134916.jpg) Chassis number
Duratec Engine is fitted, MS2 Extra V3 is assembled and tested, engine running, car now built. IVA passed 26/02/2016