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Can someone drill a hole for me!!?
JoelP - 17/1/04 at 02:25 PM

Hi all.

i need a piece of sheet steel, 2-4mm thick, with a 25mm hole drilled in it, to act as a support for the bottom of my steering column. I cant drill any higher than 16mm...

3 inches wide, 5 inches tall, with the hole in the middle of the width (1.5 from either side) and 3.5inches from the bottom.

can anyone help me for whatever fee is necessary?! thanks in advance!

James - 17/1/04 at 02:31 PM

Get your file out you big jessie!

Drill several holes so there's not much metal left to file and do it that way.

You could even use a 1mm drill bit and drill all the way round the outline of your hole and then just push the piece through. Then clean it up with your file.



Mark Allanson - 17/1/04 at 02:34 PM

Just chain drill it with a 1/8" drill and file it smooth Rescued attachment SteerBracket.jpg
Rescued attachment SteerBracket.jpg

Mark Allanson - 17/1/04 at 02:35 PM

James, your're too quick, i was looking for my photo while you replied!!

JoelP - 17/1/04 at 02:46 PM

um... suppose it saves a few days! i give in, out wit file...

looks good in the photo!

[Edited on 17/1/04 by JoelP]

Deckman001 - 17/1/04 at 03:51 PM

Ever thought about buying a hole saw ??
ie:- Arbour and a 25mm 'bit', would lend you mine, but am at wrong end of country


JoelP - 17/1/04 at 06:16 PM

would get a hole saw, but if i did i would also want a device to do fishmouth angles with, and havent found one yet!

Graceland - 17/1/04 at 07:06 PM

25mm holesaw for metal - about 5 quid worth it aswell, makes life so much easier, you might have to buy the mandrell to go with it tho.....

Deckman001 - 17/1/04 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
would get a hole saw, but if i did i would also want a device to do fishmouth angles with, and havent found one yet!

If your after a device to do fish mouth cuts, ask GasGasGas where he got his, I think it was on e-bay


Mk-Ninja - 17/1/04 at 09:12 PM


Send me your address on a U2U Ill send you a 25mm hole saw in the post.


JoelP - 17/1/04 at 10:32 PM

how much do you want for one gordon? wadders has offered to do the drilling, so if he has some spare plate i may as well let him help out! otherwise i'll have the saw and attempt it myself!

thanks for all the help and answers anyway guys, its much appreciated!

givemethebighammer - 17/1/04 at 10:45 PM

I used the tubemiter program to do my rollbar joints. Produces a nice paper template - just stick the template round the tube, mark the areas of tube to be removed then carefully use the angle grinder to cut the miter joints.

[Edited on 17/1/04 by givemethebighammer]

stephen_gusterson - 17/1/04 at 11:06 PM

i had to do two 80mm holes in 5mm plate for my rear hubs


I bought a hole saw and arbour



Mark Allanson - 17/1/04 at 11:27 PM


Just not man enough for chain drilling eh?

stephen_gusterson - 17/1/04 at 11:56 PM

80mm is a lot of circumference and drilling - 8 quid or so for a cutter seemed a bargain and an easy way out

just need to make all the big holes on the car 80mm



Originally posted by Mark Allanson

Just not man enough for chain drilling eh?

kingr - 18/1/04 at 12:05 AM

I had to cut out a large wierd shape for my uprights, and ended up chain drilling and then using an air hacksaw to cut between holes, boy that was a fun afternoon. If you can use a hole saw, then do. They're dirt cheap anyway - the DIY place round the corner from me conveniently stocks quite a large range of silverline bimetal holesaws and going by there prices, you could have yourself a 1" saw and arbor for well under a tenner.


philgregson - 4/2/04 at 12:44 PM

Just a thought on doing fish mouth angles:

I have tried two methods when doing wishbones buth successful.

1) put milling tool or hole saw in lathe and tube in tool holder, measure angel acurately and lo! one fish mouth.

Disadvantages: needs lathe and hole saw does snatch when starting cut so everything needs to be nice and tight.

Advantages: quick and efective fishmouths.

2) use hole saw in pillar drill and mount tube in tilting vice (very few of your earth pounds from machine mart but ,as it turns out, crap in this application) and cut away.

Struggled to set up acurately untill plan b where tilting vice dumped and an accurately cut wedge of MDF under the tube used to set angle and provide support in a normal machine vice helped no end.

Disadvantages: Holesaw does snatch badly if everything not bolted down as tight as possible.

Advantages: No lathe required, quick (especially if no MDF support used) and easy. Pretty reasonable reults.

Just my thoughts.

Have a photo of system in action somewhere - just not sure where, but will try to dig it out if anyone interested.



[Edited on 4/2/04 by philgregson]

garage19 - 4/2/04 at 01:02 PM

Ok, just tried to download and open the tubemitre programme and it just keeps asking me which application i want to use to open it?

Can any body help??


timf - 4/2/04 at 01:40 PM


and get eval version

Peteff - 4/2/04 at 06:23 PM

I got a zip program that does everything winzip does and it's free, no nag about registration or anything. Try tucows site or zdnet, they have loads of freeware.

yours, Pete.

dblissett - 4/2/04 at 08:02 PM

i you want only one plate your best and easyest way would be to cut a template in card and take the template to your local
sheetmetal works they will plasmer or laser it out for a phew quid its cheaper and will be spot on
saturdays are best when the boss is'nt in
good luck dave

madforfishing - 4/2/04 at 09:41 PM

Alternately try the program at this URL

WINRAR will do zip files and RAR files (which compress smaller)

madforfishing - 4/2/04 at 09:42 PM

Alternately try the program at this URL

WINRAR will do zip files and RAR files (which compress smaller)

suparuss - 4/2/04 at 10:15 PM

times like this make me happy that im not married, nor have kids, and until recenty lived with me parents. also having a decent job meant i could go out and buy a plasma cutter with all me spare cash! heheehhe. cutting holes of any shape and size is a piece of cake.

also, you should be able to knock up a simple hole saw atatchement with some sort of angle selector and clamp arrangement for fish mouthing. im in the process of making a big beasty one using an old elu jigsaw and some parts from a great big wood planing machine we have at work. "it was working yesterday guv, something mustve drop off or summat"

Alan B - 4/2/04 at 10:30 PM

Jammy git..

Erm, Ok...I have too...but, they ARE good and they do spoil you...

Alan B - 4/2/04 at 10:43 PM

Jammy git..

Erm, Ok...I have too...but, they ARE good and they do spoil you...

GasGasGas - 5/2/04 at 09:57 PM

Just bought THE tool for fishmouths from the USA on ebay!
Its the dogs KaHooners ................... check it out ;

Paid about $40.00 for carraige, took about 10 days to ship Rescued attachment 1011489778626_pipenotcher.jpg
Rescued attachment 1011489778626_pipenotcher.jpg

Alan B - 5/2/04 at 10:53 PM

Yeah they are pretty good I did all of my buggy with one.....


paulbeyer - 6/2/04 at 06:35 PM

Alan your workshop is great, will you marry me.

MikeR - 6/2/04 at 07:48 PM

Alan, I'm from the North West as well and can cook, marry me instead

suparuss - 6/2/04 at 08:18 PM

its a typical scenario in america, everyone has about 50 acres of land in there garden and 12 outbuildings that can be used as workshops. im contemplating hte move too cos ive got a mate whos married an amercan women and is moving over there. but ive also got a mate who is moving to new zealand so i cant decide where to go, im not staying in the uk tho thats for sure. tony blair and his economy saving imigrants can live happily ever after for all i care.

JoelP - 6/2/04 at 09:04 PM


Alan B - 7/2/04 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by suparuss
its a typical scenario in america, everyone has about 50 acres of land in there garden and 12 outbuildings that can be used as workshops........

Somewhat exaggerated, but yes not unusual. If you can stand living away from a city then 5 acres or so and some outbuidings aren't expensive at all.....I have 5 acres and have 3 decent towns/cities within 30 minutes drive....and most essentials within 5 it's a little countryfied, yet hardly remote.

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/2/04 at 07:23 PM

These boys do them

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/2/04 at 07:24 PM

These boys do them

suparuss - 7/2/04 at 10:24 PM

cheese and mice, 150 quid!?!?!?
thats crazy, you could have an engineer custom make you one for that, and gold plate it.