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Ask for a small favour re welding!
Gremlin - 14/4/03 at 05:05 PM

Please can people review a couple of pitures in my piture section and give me some feedback on whether they think the penetration is good enough and weld looks strong enough.

I realsie that it is difficult from a piture and my welding is not the best in the world but any feedback is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Viper - 14/4/03 at 06:32 PM

Take a hammer to it, if the material tears insted of the weld breaking then thats about as good as you are gonna get...
its almost imposible to tell from the pics you have posted.

Gremlin - 14/4/03 at 08:25 PM

Thanks i have tried ripping another test piece apart and it tore around the weld which i assume is due to the heat stress.

Sorry about pic quality here is a slightly larger on if it helps?

Im not to worried about other pics and how it looks just that the penetration is enough.

[Edited on 14/4/03 by Gremlin] Rescued attachment Test Weld 004.jpg
Rescued attachment Test Weld 004.jpg