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The Big Chassis Painting Day Looms...
Avoneer - 13/4/06 at 10:49 PM

Booked my friends garage to spray POR-15 all over my chassis tomorrow so did all the prep work today.

Thoroughly degreased with MARINE CLEAN and sponge scourers.

Rinsed with a hose !

Dried with a hairdryer !

Thoroughly wetted with METAL READY in a plastic spray bottle.

Left for 15 minutes.

Rinsed with a hose !

Dried with a hairdryer !

And look at the bugger now - looks like it's from the bottom of a lake.

All ready to spray tomorrow so watch this space,

Pat... Rescued attachment Chassis.jpg
Rescued attachment Chassis.jpg

nick205 - 13/4/06 at 10:53 PM

your baby arrived yet Pat?

Chassis' looking good by the way

Avoneer - 13/4/06 at 10:55 PM

Hi Nick,

Baby Millie arrived November !

How about yours ?

Dreading the spraying bit as it's the 1st spray job I've done with my new HVLP thing and don't want to mess up as POR-15 sounds bloody permanent.


Mezzz - 13/4/06 at 10:56 PM

Looks soooo nice.

I have just started to collect the items for mine.

The parts are being striped out of my MK2 escort atm

As you have a full roll cage are you going to be entering the 750MC?

nick205 - 13/4/06 at 10:59 PM

Nice one Pat!

Leo arrived on xmas day and we achieved our first sleep through this week, hasn't been repeated yet though

Good luck with the spaying

Avoneer - 13/4/06 at 11:03 PM


Millie been sleeping through for a few months now (well, 5 hours a go).

Pooing my self for tomorrow.

Worse scenario is a shotblast and powder coating exercise!


MikeR - 13/4/06 at 11:05 PM

did you bother angle grinding it first?

Mines got a light surface of rust (well its only been 5 years) and i'm wondering if i need to / should angle grind it with the tool first?

Avoneer - 13/4/06 at 11:09 PM

Did the tool, well flap disc, all over.

Then all the POR-15 stuff that's meant to sort out all the remaining surface rust etc.

We'll just have to see what the end product looks like.



carlgeldard - 14/4/06 at 06:46 AM


How much paint etc did you buy to do the chassis. How much and where from.


Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 07:22 AM

Hi Carl,

Ask me after today and I'll see if it's cost effective and worth while compared to Powder Coating.

Hard long process to get it ready though.

Can't be as bad as lifting your 'effing anchor the other night though ;-)


carlgeldard - 14/4/06 at 08:17 AM

Watch what you say about that ZX12

Peteff - 14/4/06 at 09:49 AM

Is POR UV resistant. I've read about it and it seems to me it is an undercoat or have I read wrong?

Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 10:12 AM

Yep - it is the undercoat.

Got a lovely finish, but a few drips in a few places.

Will have to wait a day, sand them down, re-apply a coat of POR15 and then the all important topcoat.


Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 02:29 PM

Ok, some bits to touch up, sand down and then another coat and then a topcoat.

Seems a shame to cover the POR15 when you get a finish like this: Rescued attachment Reflection.jpg
Rescued attachment Reflection.jpg

Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 02:30 PM

And the full thing: Rescued attachment Painted.jpg
Rescued attachment Painted.jpg

Gav - 14/4/06 at 07:12 PM

Looks a cracking job there pat!

Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 07:28 PM

You can't see the runs and missed bits though.

Hard work spraying all the bars without touching one you've already done!

Still needs a fair bit of wet'n'dry and 2 more coats.



Gav - 14/4/06 at 07:39 PM

just out of interest whats the cost been for the prep and POR15?

ill be spaying mine soon but was going to use smootherite...

Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 07:52 PM

Gonna wor out just over £100 including the top coat.

But this stuff is meant to be indestructible.

Smoothrite chips easy - apparantly - and is designed for gates. Never had much joy with it myself.


Gav - 14/4/06 at 07:55 PM

cheers, ill look into it a bit further.

Peteff - 14/4/06 at 08:06 PM

The bodywork will cover a lot of it, don't go too mad. Just make a good job of the bits you'll see.

MikeR - 14/4/06 at 09:13 PM

hell the body work will cover all of it apart from the cage.

Mark Allanson - 14/4/06 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Avoneer
Gonna wor out just over £100 including the top coat.

But this stuff is meant to be indestructible.

Smoothrite chips easy - apparantly - and is designed for gates. Never had much joy with it myself.


dead on Pat, hammer/smoothrite are great at what they were designed for, painting over descaled rusty steel, they need the rough surface for adhesion and will just fall off decent steel

Avoneer - 14/4/06 at 09:39 PM

Gav - don't underestimate the amount of work to get it nice if not powdercoating.

It's killing me as I want to get on with the car, but am looking at a few days of wet'n'dry, another coat of POR15 and one of TOPCOAT.

Very time consuming.
