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Dieguez - 8/10/05 at 03:15 PM

Hello from argentina, im building my own locost. these web is great to me , here i found good infdormation to my project. Rescued attachment Bandera_ARG.jpg
Rescued attachment Bandera_ARG.jpg

Cita - 8/10/05 at 05:44 PM


JoelP - 8/10/05 at 06:10 PM

he's just saying hello, cita

Cita - 8/10/05 at 08:44 PM

that i understood but I thought someone would post a picture of the car he's building instead of the country flag

paul v6 - 8/10/05 at 09:07 PM

Good Luck with your Locost Dieguez!! You'll have much better weather than us in the UK to get the most out of an open top roadster.


Nitrogeno25 - 9/10/05 at 10:36 PM

Hola Dieguez,

I'm from Uruguay, it's been some time since I started now but it's a great project. Good luck!

Originally posted by Dieguez
Hello from argentina, im building my own locost. these web is great to me , here i found good infdormation to my project.