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Messing with pictures
Cita - 13/7/04 at 04:03 PM

Rescued attachment vroem.jpg
Rescued attachment vroem.jpg

mangogrooveworkshop - 13/7/04 at 06:14 PM


MikeRJ - 13/7/04 at 09:46 PM

The wishbones look a bit flimsy!

madforfishing - 14/7/04 at 04:43 AM

You ARE actually making those noises too, aren't you ?
Been there, nobody saw or heard me though.

Cita - 14/7/04 at 05:19 AM

What can i say?

sgraber - 16/7/04 at 04:58 AM

Cool machine Cita! Use some clear lexan for the bodywork so everyone can see it!

Spyderman - 16/7/04 at 11:21 AM

Mmm, I think you may have some ground clearence issues unless you use some seriously high profile tyres!

nick205 - 16/7/04 at 11:45 AM


I always have a quick sit in the car accompanied by noises and pedal pushing at the end of every build session. I find it keeps the enthusiasm topped up to maximum.

Very smart looking chassis by the way - is it your own design?


Cita - 16/7/04 at 03:58 PM

Thanks for the nice comments guys!
If my welding skills (and all the rest) were a bit better Steve than a lexan body would be something i certainly would like!!!!That would be an eyecatcher

It's my own design aldo there's really not much design work involved.
The frikking thing is just build around my body while i was sitting in a comfortable position.
For the rest a little room to place the engine in the back and some room for pedals in the front.
Nothing to bragg about (aldo nice comments are allways... well you know)