The front of the chassis is too wide for me, is it easy to make it smaller? I need it to be around 500mm max so that it'll fit through a door.
Would the single seater chassis fit?
The other possibility is making a longer top wishbone. Would that be easy to do?
Is the chassis in the newer book any smaller than the Ron Champion one? The bottom section is small enough, it's just the upper section that is
too big.
If it won't fit through my door then there's no way I'll be able to start this project
It would be good to give us the dimensions of the door so people can let you know.
A seven chassis will fit through a door
You turn it on its side.
We had this issue when we moved to rental accommodation and the chassis got moved to the spare bedroom
how smalls the door ??
The door was approx 600mm, so the chassis needs to be less than this (including any backets that stick out). So any more than 500mm will be difficult
to get through.
The problem with the height is the roll bar thing. That won't go through the door.
Thats how you do it
Rescued attachment chassis.jpg
When i first started my project i was sharing the single garage with a Beetle, so i could only work on the car in the summer and had to strip back
down to bare chassis for storage, so used to put it on its side and store it in a corridor.
The roll bar issue did come into it, but had the idea from day one to have it a bolt on so i could still turn on its side and get through the door.
The Beetle has now gone so car is always in the garage now, but yet to be IVA'd.
Originally posted by madteg
Thats how you do it
The problem with the height is the roll bar thing. That won't go through the door.
what about a bolted or roll bar/cage ?
Either I measured it wrong or my door has been growing very quickly. It's now 780mm, so it'll be ok
Originally posted by newtrikebuilder
Either I measured it wrong or my door has been growing very quickly. It's now 780mm, so it'll be ok
Originally posted by madteg
Thats how you do it
Originally posted by newtrikebuilder
Either I measured it wrong or my door has been growing very quickly. It's now 780mm, so it'll be ok