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strange post date discrepancies on forum/section pages
ned - 3/3/04 at 12:15 PM


I have noticed several times in the last couple of weeks wierd cases when the forum homepage says a section's latest thread is such and such a date, but upon entering the relevant section the threads seem to be older.

please look at the two corresponding screenshots below, noting the recent post and date/time on the gts section and then the threads within the section. also note that i've included the screenshot to include my computers time/date stamp to show I'm not delaying between opening the sections etc. i have also done refresh, f5 and shift + f5 to make sure the pages are correctly refreshed.

any ideas?

my only thought is that someone has started a thread then deleted it and it doesn't reflect this o the main forum index page?




Staple balls - 3/3/04 at 01:43 PM

i think it's when people post then delete