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Someone doesn't like Donnington?
David Jenkins - 18/8/06 at 03:18 PM

Check out the description of the Donnington show here.

Blunt, to say the least.

Admittedly I was disappointed last time I went - too spread out, too few good parts suppliers, too many 'tawdry goods' merchants.



Hellfire - 18/8/06 at 03:24 PM

It's a little unfair TSTL.

I do agree the shows do seem to be lacking in recent years but it takes more time to develop new shapes and cars which people lust after. MK Engineering may have their new single seater 7 available if they ("HE" attends. Dad has been putting the finishing touches to the moulds for a while so hopefully it may be present...

Then again I've just returned from holiday so I may have missed something.


Jon Ison - 18/8/06 at 03:43 PM

From a punter who also likes track time point of view its gone from one of the best too one of the worst IMHO.

theconrodkid - 18/8/06 at 03:51 PM

a touch accurate i would say,lots of us signed a petition year before last saying how rubbish it had become,ill never go again.

nige - 18/8/06 at 03:58 PM

i would,nt knock any show at the mo as im still building, take harrogate a small
show but without them where would i go for bits and most of all inspiration from you chaps who have completed their builds

skippad - 18/8/06 at 04:21 PM

If you go back to the homepage you'll find that its Kit Car Magazine!

So they're STILL at each other throats!!!

I thought they had stopped all the childish digs and remarks....

Thats why i stopped buying there mags a couple years ago....the Tossers

bob - 18/8/06 at 06:19 PM

If you are building i think all the shows are handy for even the smallest of shopping lists,it seems to change once your on the road and i enjoy meeting up with the lads and having a few beers.

I think jon ison will agree we had a great weekend at donington a few years back,its up to the punters to make the most of it.

trextr7monkey - 18/8/06 at 07:25 PM

That whole article is a lot of C**k- we complained about The Total kit car event at Oulton Park as did others on here, they slag off Harrogate which although small is finding its way, and is nicely in the north.
Balanced journalism it is not!!

We enjoyed Donington last year but agree with the comments above about some of the trade stands- there was a good balance between new and auto jumble stuff as far as we were concerned

perksy - 18/8/06 at 07:39 PM

Don't forget Donington was held a Month Later then normal last year

Which might explain why it Wasn't one of the best

We had a few Beers and made the most of it, but it Wasn't the best attended...

Ferg - 19/8/06 at 12:52 PM

The year before last I promised myself I wouldn't bother again. Import car pound had moved the campsite to a smaller more cramped field and the promiised showers simply didn't exist. The toilets stopped functioning when the generator failed and the flight path scenario never gets any better.
Added to the dwindling interest from manufacturers I was surprised when I made myself attend last year only to discover the camping was on a worse field still on the infield, the club stands were all on or about the cinder area, manufacturer stands had given way even further to tat stalls.......

This year?? I'm DEFINATELTY not going.

bob - 19/8/06 at 02:14 PM

I echo the comments from ferg above and wasnt going this year, but i'm picking my zorst and then watching the 750 motor club racing on sunday.

I'll give limelight exhibitions one more chance to get there act in order

[Edited on 19/8/06 by bob]

Jon Ison - 20/8/06 at 01:25 AM

Originally posted by bob

I think jon ison will agree we had a great weekend at donington a few years back,its up to the punters to make the most of it.

Yup, one of the best weekends away in a locost apart from Le Mans maybe, mentioned it a few times on here when the going gets "tuff" its what locostbuilders should be all about rather than my M8 can weld better than your M8, my wish bone wont bend as much as your wishbone, construtive comments are great but some get close too the "wish"bone....

Jon Ison - 20/8/06 at 01:26 AM

. Rescued attachment dony_-_portable_cinema.jpg
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Jon Ison - 20/8/06 at 01:27 AM

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Jon Ison - 20/8/06 at 01:28 AM

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Jon Ison - 20/8/06 at 01:29 AM

Wont put any more pics up, dont want too scare kids off.........

bob - 20/8/06 at 09:40 AM

Great memories,it was a great weekend and only surpassed by the 4 x 4ft screen and digital projector the followoing year.

I doubt if the screen can be managed again but i'm hoping for a good saturday evening.

Is it true there are still no showers,imeshite exhibitions have charged me a fiver to camp over

[Edited on 20/8/06 by bob]

TangoMan - 20/8/06 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by bob
imeshite exhibitions have charged me a fiver to camp over

[Edited on 20/8/06 by bob]

Jago Swizz - 27/8/06 at 12:50 AM

Are you lot on Den Tanners payroll???

For whatever kind of show you have, i'd definitely agree with Bob when he suggested that it's up to the punters to enjoy themselves.

Despite the later date last year, I went for the first time & thought it was a great show. It didn't have the traders of Stoneleigh & Newark but as they're pitched as the big 2 I didn't expect it to either. The manufacturers displays were on a par with the other shows (better than Newark last year in that respect!), and if you take into account that most also had cars on the track then wehey - bonus

The only criticism I could aim at the club field was that it wasn't next to the main hall - but as long as the punters found it (many did) then no problem. From a personal point of view - I got to park on a dry, level patch of grass next to a race circuit - thats actually pretty good in my book & is another reason i'll be going this year

Now then - Camping (and by that I don't mean mincing around in a Ferrari Jacket next to an ex-MR2 Matron! )
No - I mean in a tent. Agreed, the camp field isn't of the best quality! The aircraft noise was a larf but might not be everyones cup o tea - but hey, I work at an airport so what do I care??? The pub wasn't open, so we shared a barbeque with a great bloke from the Dutton OC and a few others camping nearby (Bobs quote in a nutshell).

But heres the clincher for me - and I can't understand where a few of ya are coming from here because as a tent camper I know this counts. In '05 I camped at Stoneleigh with our club - I only found one shower and it didn't work so roughed it with the best of them & got by. This year I wanted to get my 4 year old daughter in on the act as she enjoys the shows & wanted to stay in the tent. Stoneleigh makes a bit of a fuss over its 'Camping Facilities' in its press material - I book our shows for the club so I phoned the organisers and asked where the camp facilitys were for the benefit of us & my mate who was bringing his grandson along to camp - both of us paid to camp so we could use these 'facilities'.
The campsite - far from being away from the Westfield disco tent was actually nearer to it than our club stand so we did the sensible thing and camped with our mates! Never mind we thought - at least we can wander over for a shower LMFAO what showers? Ooooh yes, found the one that didn't work again - and two more showers in another block that ran cold.
Yep, we roughed it with the best of em and got by Not really a problem, we don't escape the rat race for a weekend to take anything too serious but next year we won't bother paying for camping

Donington? I remember pretty vividly having a shower, the washroom had about 20 in total. Unfortunately, my mates missus had to queue - the ladies facilities admittedly weren't as good. One thing i'll have no problem paying for at Donington is therefore a camping fee, as the showers were excellent for us blokes.

Why are you all whinging???

As a pal of mine on here has said, TotalkitcarLive at Oulton apparently was crap. Stafford, a good little show also organised by Limelight (where clubs could park indoors - in March when indoors is a nice place to be for any length of time ), had to be cancelled because of TKCLive (kit car show at a race circuit, mmmmmm sounds a familiar idea).

Diversifying a bit, although not too far from the start of this thread - IMHO Den's bitter campaign against his rival mag can't be doing the industry a great deal of good - the guys a bloody nutter for Chrissakes
WHSmiths stock Kit Car magazine & his rants, full page propaganda & pie-charts(!) are the first things many people new to the industry will read - and what else do they read in its pages? "Come to Harrogate (didn't make it this year but apparently not so good - but as Mike says its up North & has potential), "come to TKCLive (a case of TKC capitalising on Den's damage & apparently not so good), "come to Stoneleigh & Newark (can't argue with him there), but "DON'T come to Stafford or Donington - what an arse! Balanced journalism it isn't.

It's also a shame that Ian Hyne see's fit to work for the guy - Ian who back in Kit Car magazines heyday did a great job of running the magazine and built himself a great reputation & readership, many of whom I imagine followed him to Kitcars International magazine in 1989.

To answer the question posed by the thread - Someone doesn't like Donnington? Yes it would appear that someone doesn't
As a kit car nut though, I do feel better for giving my two penneth - the show ain't anywhere near as bad as some of you make out its actually pretty good.

[Edited on 27/8/06 by Jago Swizz]

Peteff - 27/8/06 at 09:30 AM

My heart bleeds for you, two whole days without a shower . Wash in a bucket outside the tent in your underpants and brush your teeth with the same water you big girl, that's camping. Whose turn is it to empty the bucket

Jago Swizz - 27/8/06 at 11:13 AM

Ferg - 27/8/06 at 03:32 PM

Fair enough, you enjoyed it and you'll go again.

FACT is that over the last 4 years it has got worse and worse and worse.

I look upon the show season each year and base my attendances on previous years experience. Of the 10 or so shows I'll go to this year only one or perhaps two will be kit-car shows.
The sad thing is that Stoneleigh is still the one I will always do purely for the club attendance. Showers were OK where we were. Pitch was flat and grassy without the delight we had at Donington of dogsh*t. Roads are all hard such that the car interior doesn't come home full of shale. There are far more traders stands, many of which actually sell stuff you want.
I accept that it wasn't the organisers fault that Donington put a car import pound on the decent camping field, but it wasn't my fault either. The bottom line is that I don't HAVE to like Donington, I just vote with my feet (and cash) I'm sure they won't miss me.

As far as the crap in the magazines goes, I got bored with it a couple of years ago. I really wish Filby hadn't started it.

JamJah - 28/8/06 at 02:00 AM

Jeese guys. Listen to you all. We build cars using your heads but when it comes to a shower you have no imagination.... cmdZViewItem

Jago Swizz - 28/8/06 at 03:27 PM

D'you know Jamjah? Thats the best advert for a shower i've seen in a long time

No imagination? Some of us have - i'm off for a shower LOL

keith - 28/8/06 at 07:45 PM

i am going to donnington,do you know why,my car passed sva im going everywhere(and its only 20 mins away from me,) IM LOVING IT!!!!! Rescued attachment DONNY.jpg
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